Agentive verbs

kuzar at kuzar at
Wed Sep 5 06:29:59 UTC 2007

I believe this is the right forum for this question:
Is it an empirically confirmed fact that agentive verbs constitute the majority
of verbs in (a particular?) language? By "agentive verbs" I mean verbs that
require a human subject exercising volition/intention in performing the action
of the verb.
Any statistics?
Ron Kuzar
               Dr. Ron Kuzar
Address:       Department of English Language and Literature
                       University of Haifa
                       IL-31905 Haifa, Israel
Office:        +972-4-824-9826, Fax: +972-4-824-9711
Home:          +972-77-94-00-876, Mobile: +972-54-481-9676
Email:         kuzar at

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