Linguistics&Language Sciences Web Page - AAAS

Lise Menn Lise.Menn at Colorado.EDU
Sun Feb 10 19:54:39 UTC 2008

Apologies for duplicate listings!

The Linguistics & Language Sciences Web Page for our section of the  
America Association for the
Advancement of Science (AAAS) is now up and running, thanks to the  
help of many people. Check them out!
Go to,  
or if you forget, just Google AAAS
and enter Linguistics in the search query box that will come up on  
the left side of the page, and follow the
obvious links.

Student memberships are only $75, SCIENCE is included, and you can  
get an on-line subscription to
SCIENCE if you start by becoming a member online. It's the one of the  
best ways to keep up with major
developments in related sciences, and with the news that other folks  
are reading about linguistics.

Also, AAAS is meeting in Boston this year, Feb 14-18; you can still  
register if you want to go. We'll be
posting a list of symposia of interest to linguists shortly.

Lise Menn                     Home Office: 303-444-4274
1625 Mariposa Ave	Fax: 303-413-0017
Boulder CO 80302	

Professor Emerita of Linguistics
Fellow, Institute of Cognitive Science
University of  Colorado

Secretary, AAAS Section Z [Linguistics]
Fellow, Linguistic Society of America

Campus Mail Address:
UCB 594, Institute for Cognitive Science

Campus Physical Address:
CINC 234
1777 Exposition Ave, Boulder

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