AAAS ’08 Boston Events of Interest to Linguists

Lise Menn Lise.Menn at Colorado.EDU
Sun Feb 10 21:46:50 UTC 2008

Apologies for duplicate listings - LM

AAAS ’08 Boston Events of Interest to Linguists, Language Scientists,  
and Developmental Psycholinguists

Some events of general interest have also been included; there are  
many others, which you can find on the AAAS web page.  Events  
directly involving Section Z: Linguistics and Language Sciences  
organizers are *starred.
Apologies for any omissions.
Lise Menn, Secretary, Section Z

NB: Topical Lecture
Sunday, 17 February
Daniel Kahneman, Ph.D.

Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology, Princeton University

2008 John P. McGovern Lecture in the Behavioral Sciences

Architecture of the Mind

12:30 p.m.-1:15 p.m.

Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 312


Thursday, 14 February

4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.
Special Event
AAAS First-Timer's Orientation
Sheraton Boston, Third Floor, Commonwealth
Open to all registrants

Friday, 15 February

8:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
Scientific Symposia
*Advances in Language and Speech Science and Technology
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 206
English-Only Science in a Multilingual World: Costs, Benefits, and  
Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 203

8:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m.
Scientific Symposia
Power in Its Place: Science in Tribal Education
Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 306

9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m.
Section Business Meeting (for members of the AAAS sections listed)
Information, Computing, and Communication
Sheraton Boston, Third Floor, Clarendon

10:30 a.m.—NOON
Scientific Symposia
Moral Judgment: Evolutionary and Psychological Perspectives
Sheraton Boston, Second Floor, Republic B
*Thinking With and Without Language
Sheraton Boston, Second Floor, Constitution A

NOON—3:00 p.m.Section Business Meetings


Sheraton Boston, Third Floor, Beacon D

1:45 p.m.—3:15 p.m.
Scientific Symposia
Inside the Double Bind: Women of Color in STEM
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 207
Poverty and Brain Development: Correlations, Mechanisms, and Societal  
Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 312
Power of the Internet To Facilitate Science Education and Networking:  
The Supercourse
Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 313

4:00 p.m.—5:30 p.m.
Career Workshops
Gatekeepers, Midwives, and Wordsmiths: Career Options in Science Editing
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 201

7:45 p.m.—10:00 p.m.
Section Business Meetings
*Linguistics and Language Science
Boston Marriott Copley Place, Fifth Floor, Vermont

8:00 p.m.—10:00 p.m.
Special Event
Annals of Improbable Research
Sheraton Boston, Second Floor, Republic A

Saturday, 16 February

8:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
Scientific Symposia
Mathematics and the Brain
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 208

9:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
Career Workshops
An Inside-Out Approach to Launching a Great Science Career
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 201
Retired Scientists and Engineers Assisting in Science Education
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 204

9:00 a.m.—NOON
Section Business Meeting
Sheraton Boston, Third Floor, Beacon H

10:00 a.m.—NOON
Section Business Meeting
Sheraton Boston, Third Floor, Beacon D

10:30 a.m.—NOON
Scientific Symposia
*Brain Basis of Speech
Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 306

11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
Special Event
AAAS Family Science Day
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Hall D

1:45 p.m.—3:15 p.m.
Sponsored Workshop
NSF Funding Opportunities for International Activities
Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 303

1:45 p.m.—3:15 p.m.
Scientific Symposia
Blogs, Boards, and Bonding: Using Electronic Communities To Support  
Women in Science

Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 312
Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Mental Illness
Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 302
Promoting the Success of Minority Graduate Students
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 202

2:00 p.m.—3:30 p.m.
Special Event
Building the AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition
Hilton Boston Back Bay, Second Floor, Maverick A

Sunday, 17 February

8:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
Scientific Symposia

Imagining the Future: New Perspectives from Psychology and Neuroscience
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 210
Managing and Preserving Scientific Data: Emerging Perspectives on a  
Global Basis
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 203

8:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m.
Sponsored Workshop
Faculty Collaborative Online Tools and Projects: Lessons from the  
National Science Digital Library

10:30 a.m.—NOON
Career Workshops
Careers that Combine Scientific Expertise and Interpersonal  
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 201
Linguistic Tools for Scientists To Improve Their Writing of Articles
Hynes Convention Center, Second Level, Room 204

12:30 p.m.—1:15 p.m.
Topical Lectures
2008 John P. McGovern Lecture in the Behavioral Sciences:
Daniel Kahneman, Princeton University: Architecture of the Mind

Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 312

1:45 p.m.—4:45 p.m.
Scientific Symposia
Communicating Science in a Religious America
Hynes Convention Center, Third Level, Room 309

4:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m.
Special Event
National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical  
Professionals Reception
Sheraton Boston, Third Floor, Berkeley
Open to all registrants

6:30 p.m.—7:30 p.m.
Plenary Lecture
Nicholas Negroponte, One Laptop per Child
Boston Marriott Copley Place, Fourth Floor, Grand Ballroom E—G

Lise Menn                      Home Office: 303-444-4274
1625 Mariposa Ave	Fax: 303-413-0017
Boulder CO 80302	

Professor Emerita of Linguistics
Fellow, Institute of Cognitive Science
University of  Colorado

Secretary, AAAS Section Z [Linguistics]
Fellow, Linguistic Society of America

Campus Mail Address:
UCB 594, Institute for Cognitive Science

Campus Physical Address:
CINC 234
1777 Exposition Ave, Boulder

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