New Benjamins book - Adolphs: Corpus and Context

Paul Peranteau paul at
Thu Jul 10 17:11:47 UTC 2008

Corpus and Context
Investigating pragmatic functions in spoken discourse

Svenja Adolphs
University of Nottingham

Studies in Corpus Linguistics 30

2008. xi, 151 pp.

Hardbound 978 90 272 2304 3 / EUR 99.00 / USD 149.00

Corpus and Context explores the relationship between corpus 
linguistics and pragmatics by discussing possible frameworks for 
analysing utterance function on the basis of spoken corpora. The book 
articulates the challenges and opportunities associated with a change 
of focus in corpus research, from lexical to functional units, from 
concordance lines to extended stretches of discourse, and from the 
purely textual to multi-modal analysis of spoken corpus data. Drawing 
on a number of spoken corpora including the five million word 
Cambridge and Nottingham Corpus of Discourse in English (CANCODE, 
funded by CUP (c)), a specific speech act function is being explored 
using different approaches and different levels of analysis. This 
involves a close analysis of contextual variables in relation to 
lexico-grammatical and discoursal patterns that emerge from the 
corpus data, as well as a wider discussion of the role of context in 
spoken corpus research.


Table of contents

Acknowledgements  ix–x
Tables and figures  xi
Chapter 1. Introduction  1–17
Chapter 2. Spoken discourse and corpus analysis  19–42
Chapter 3. Pragmatic functions, conventionalised speech acts 
expressions and corpus evidence  43–72
Chapter 4. Pragmatic functions in context  73–88
Chapter 5. Exploring pragmatic functions in discourse: The speech act 
episode  89–116
Chapter 6. Pragmatic functions beyond the text  117–130
Chapter 7. Concluding remarks  131–136
Appendix: Transcription conventions for the CANCODE data used in this 
book  137–138
References  139–148
Index  149–151

Paul Peranteau (paul at
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