New Benjamins book - Kurzon & Adler: Adpositions
Paul Peranteau
paul at
Thu Jul 10 17:13:49 UTC 2008
Pragmatic, semantic and syntactic perspectives
Edited by Dennis Kurzon and Silvia Adler
University of Haifa
Typological Studies in Language 74
2008. viii, 307 pp.
Hardbound 978 90 272 2986 1 / EUR 110.00 / USD 165.00
This book is a collection of articles which deal with adpositions in
a variety of languages and from a number of perspectives. Not only
does the book cover what is traditionally treated in studies from a
European and Semitic orientation prepositions, but it presents
studies on postpositions, too. The main languages dealt with in the
collection are English, French and Hebrew, but there are articles
devoted to other languages including Korean, Turkic languages,
Armenian, Russian and Ukrainian. Adpositions are treated by some
authors from a semantic perspective, by others as syntactic units,
and a third group of authors distinguishes adpositions from the point
of view of their pragmatic function. This work is of interest to
students and researchers in theoretical and applied linguistics, as
well as to those who have a special interest in any of the languages treated.
Table of contents
Dennis Kurzon and Silvia Adler
List of contributors
French compound prepositions, prepositional locutions and
prepositional phrases in the scope of the absolute use
Silvia Adler
"Over the hills and far away" or "far away over the hills": English
place adverb phrases and place prepositional phrases in tandem?
David J. Allerton
Structures with omitted prepositions: Semantic and pragmatic motivations
Esther Borochovsky Bar-Aba
A closer look at the Hebrew Construct and free locative PPs: The
analysis of mi-locatives
Irena Botwinik-Rotem
Pragmatics of prepositions: A study of the French connectives pour le
coup and du coup
Pierre Cadiot and Franck Lebas
Particles and postpositions in Korean
Injoo Choi-Jonin
French prepositions à and de in infinitival complements: A
pragma-semantic analysis
Lidia Fraczak
Prepositional wars: When ideology defines preposition
Julia G. Krivoruchko
"Ago" and its grammatical status in English and in other languages
Dennis Kurzon
Case marking of Turkic adpositional objects
Alan Libert
The logic of addition: Changes in the meaning of the Hebrew
preposition im ("with").
Tamar Sovran
A monosemic view of polysemic prepositions
Yishai Tobin
The development of Classical Armenian prepositions and its
implications for universals of language change
Christopher Wilhelm
Paul Peranteau (paul at
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