New Benjamins book - Stolz et al.: Split Possession
Paul Peranteau
paul at
Thu Jul 10 17:16:16 UTC 2008
Split Possession
An areal-linguistic study of the alienability correlation and related
phenomena in the languages of Europe
Thomas Stolz, Sonja Kettler, Cornelia Stroh and Aina Urdze
University of Bremen
Studies in Language Companion Series 101
2008. x, 546 pp.
Hardbound 978 90 272 0568 1 / EUR 130.00 / USD 195.00
This book is a functional-typological study of possession splits in
European languages. It shows that genetically and structurally
diverse languages such as Icelandic, Welsh, and Maltese display
possessive systems which are sensitive to semantically based
distinctions reminiscent of the alienability correlation. These
distinctions are grammatically relevant in many European languages
because they require dedicated constructions. What makes these split
possessive systems interesting for the linguist is the interaction of
semantic criteria with pragmatics and syntax. Neutralisation of
distinctions occurs under focus. The same happens if one of the
constituents of a possessive construction is syntactically heavy.
These effects can be observed in the majority of the 50 sample
languages. Possessive splits are strong in those languages which are
outside the Standard Average European group. The bulk of the European
languages do not behave much differently from those non-European
languages for which possession splits are reported. The book reveals
interesting new facts about European languages and possession to
typologists, universals researchers, and areal linguists.
Table of contents
Preface viiviii
List of abbreviations ixx
Part A: What needs to be known beforehand
Chapter 1. Introduction 39
Chapter 2. Prerequisites 1128
Chapter 3. Split possession 2940
Part B: Tour d'Europe
Chapter 4. Grammatical possession splits 43315
Chapter 5. Further evidence of possession splits in Europe 317465
Part C: On European misfits and their commonalities
Chapter 6. Results 469516
Notes 517519
Sources 521524
References 525533
Additional background literature 535538
Index of languages 539540
Index of authors 541544
Index of subjects 545546
Paul Peranteau (paul at
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