PhD position, documentation of Even dialects

Brigitte Pakendorf pakendorf at
Tue May 20 13:47:55 UTC 2008

Apologies for multiple postings.

****Ph.D. position in Language Documentation****

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Max Planck 
Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, to 
participate in the DoBeS project “Documentation of the dialectal and 
cultural diversity among the Ėvens in Siberia”, funded by the Volkswagen 
Foundation ( The 
successful applicant will be expected to divide his/her time between 
documentation (consisting of the recording, transcription and 
interlinearisation of different genres of spoken Ėven), and a detailed 
comparative study of Ėven phonetics/phonology. Applicants need to have a 
master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field to be eligible. 
Experience in linguistic fieldwork and with languages of Siberia is 
desirable, though not a prerequisite. A good knowledge of Russian is 

The project on the documentation of Ėven dialects is led by Dr. Brigitte 
Pakendorf and Dr. Dejan Matić from the Junior Research Group on 
Comparative Population Linguistics (, which 
is affiliated with the Department of Linguistics at MPI EVA in Leipzig 
( It will be conducted in collaboration 
with native Ėven linguists at the Institute of Humanitarian Studies and 
the Indigenous Peoples of the North in Yakutsk, Russian Federation.

Interested individuals should send a letter of application, a sample of 
their writing (in the absence of publications, term papers are 
acceptable), curriculum vitae, and the names and FAX numbers or e-mail 
addresses of two referees to Brigitte Pakendorf by e-mail 
(pakendorf at The deadline for applications is June 15th; 
shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview in the first half of 
July. The position will be available from January 2009.

Further information regarding this position can be requested from 
Brigitte Pakendorf (pakendorf at or Dejan Matic 
(dejan_matic at

The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer.

Dr. Dr. Brigitte Pakendorf 
(Ph.D. Molecular Anthropology, Ph.D. Linguistics)
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6                       phone    +49 (0) 341 35 50 308
D-04103 Leipzig                         fax      +49 (0) 341 35 50 333
Germany                                 e-mail   pakendorf at

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