Peer Reviewing should be "revise and resubmit".

Yuri Tambovtsev yutamb at
Thu Apr 15 19:03:37 UTC 2010

Dear Funknet colleagues, I am quite happy that the problem of Peer Reviewing in general and in particular "revise and resubmit" process caused many answers. As Aya correctly pointed out "What can we, as a community of thinkers, do about it?". When I wrote about this burning question to the Typologists net, the owners just kicked me out. I mean they banned me from this typologists' net of the LinguistList. This is also a sort of a solution, but not for the "thinking people". Of cause, it is easier to let everything stay as it is. I really enjoyed the ideas that were expressed by "our community of thinkers". Why should anybody else correct my ideas in my article? I agree that my broken and clumsy English should be improved, but nothing else. If I write someting I answer by it by my good name. Reviewers never improved my articles for all 40 years. So I ask after Aya: "What can we, as a community of thinkers, do about it?" I am sure the author of the article should receive the reviewers answers with their names for him/her to know who said this or that. Be well, Yuri Tambovtsev, Novosibirsk


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