rarity of preposition stranding
Tom Givon
tgivon at uoregon.edu
Fri Oct 1 19:03:42 UTC 2010
Well, I DID mean massive. I'm not as well-versed in Germanic, tho I see
it there too (Bernd Heine could tell you aplenty). So just think Latin
for a sec: Pre-tend, ex-tend, in-tend, con-tend; per-tain; con-tain,
re-tain, su(b)-stain, main-tain, ob-tain; re-pulse, ex-pulse, im-pulse,
com-pulse; re-ject, e(x)-ject, in-ject, ob-ject; con-ject(ure);
con-struct, in-strtuct, de-struct, re-struct(ure); etc. ect. ect.
There's a whole page of those in my Syntax vol. I (2001), one of the
early chapters, mostly talking about the metaphoric etymology, which we
know well. (George made a lot of hay off this, claiming that metaphors
never die, they just go & get reified in some lexical Heave...). But we
also know a lot (well, some of us do, maybe) about the diachronic-syntax
pathways that lead to such 'stranding', & how it connect to the type of
ad-position, earlier vs. later WO, zero-anaphora of both types, the
availability of other clitic-trapping word-types, ets. All that is
needed is widening our typological--and diachronic, really the same
thing--horizons just a little bit and what seems to you so exceptional
reveals itself to be rather massive. Best, TG
Frederick J Newmeyer wrote:
> Thanks, Tom,
> I'll check out the references that you cite, but your posting has me a
> bit confused. It is not clear to me from what you wrote why
> P-stranding is so rare. Or are you saying that it is not rare? Are you
> tying the rise of P-stranding to the shift from SOV to SVO? If so, it
> should be much more common than it is in Indo-European and in other
> languages that have undergone the same word order change. But in
> modern SVO Indo-European languages, it occurs only in Germanic and
> with one or two prepositions in French. So I'm not sure what you mean
> when you write that stranding occurs MASSIVELY in Romance and Germanic
> (and in I-E in general). Surely that is not true. Where is there
> stranding in Romance at all outside of French? In general in Romance,
> the preposition and its object have to be fronted together.
> Furthermore, we had stranding in some environments in Old English (eg
> with topicalization), even though that language was still SOV. As
> English developed, there arose more and more stranding environments
> (eg with wh-movement and passive). I'm not sure why this extension of
> P-stranding would follow from what you wrote about word order change.
> But in German, I believe that the exact opposite happened. Even though
> German is 'less SOV/more SVO' than it was 1000 years ago, stranding
> has basically disappeared.
> Best,
> --fritz
> Frederick J. Newmeyer
> Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
> Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser
> University
> [for my postal address, please contact me by e-mail]
> On Fri, 1 Oct 2010, Tom Givon wrote:
>> A conflation of typological features partially predicts which
>> languages do or don't strand ad-positions on the verb (as well as on
>> other constituents/words). These features predict various diachronic
>> pathway, but the synchronic endpoint products don't always look the
>> same. Colette Craig/Grinevald (with Ken Hal;e) has a nice description
>> of this in her Rama work. Like Romance & Germanic, Rama strands
>> post-positions MASSIVELY on the verb, but at a prefixal rather than
>> suffixal point. The typological difference is transparent: Rama is
>> ex-SOV with pre-verbal PPs. English is SVO with post-verbal PPs (see
>> Givon 1971, CLS #7). In Romance & Germanic (both ex-SOV), the
>> strnaded pre-positions are already so fused (old stuff) that a
>> non-etymologists may not count them as "the real thing".
>> But--the diachronic process is remarkably similar: PPs undergo
>> zero-anaphora of their core noun, for one of two major reasons: (a)
>> generic predictability (antipassive); and (b) anaphoric
>> predictability ("traditional" "pro-drop" zero,). In Rama, Bonnie
>> Tibbitts & I did the statistics (tho never published it), and the
>> antipassive zero clearly showed up as the main driving force. I
>> suspect Romance & Germanic data may have been the same, but they are
>> so old and I'm not sure you can find texts going that far back to do
>> the appropriate stats.
>> At any rate, In Indo-European this has been a MASSIVE process. Peter
>> Hook showed similar stuff in Indic. Then of course it is massive in
>> Bantu (SOV) at the grammatical level (fairly recent), and even the
>> lexical (extended later from the grammatical; lexicalized, if you
>> will.) And I can show you massive stranding of post-positions on Ute
>> verbs in both the suffixal AND prefixal positions (different
>> generations, different mechanisms, and different word-types that
>> absorb "second-position clitics").
>> Finally, there is some discussion of the mechanism in English (the
>> interaction between unstressed pronouns, zero anaphora & stranded
>> prepositions) in ch. 3 of my "Bio-Linguistics: The Santa Barbara
>> Lectures" (Benjamins, 2002).
>> Best, TG
>> ==================
>> Frederick J Newmeyer wrote:
>>> Dear Funknetters,
>>> Does anybody know of a functional explanation (published or not) for
>>> why preposition stranding is so rare in the languages of the world?
>>> (I am referring to constructions such as 'Who did you talk to?',
>>> 'Mary was talked to', etc.) As far as I know, it exists only in
>>> Germanic, marginally in French, and possibly in some Niger-Congo
>>> languages. There are a number of functionally-oriented accounts of
>>> P-stranding in English, but I wonder if anybody has taken on the
>>> question of its rarity crosslinguistically.
>>> Thanks!
>>> --fritz
>>> Frederick J. Newmeyer
>>> Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
>>> Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser
>>> University
>>> [for my postal address, please contact me by e-mail]
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