5th conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies: 1st call for papers

Mats Andrén mats.andren at ling.lu.se
Mon Dec 12 09:00:06 UTC 2011

ISGS 5 - Call for papers

The International Society for Gesture Studies announces the Fifth
Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies: The
communicative body in development, to take place in Lund, Sweden, July
24-27, 2012.

The conference celebrates the tenth anniversary of the ISGS.
Established in 2002, the ISGS is an international organization that
gathers scholars interested in gesture and bodily communicative
behaviour, different approaches to sign language, and communication in
non-human species. Through its biennial conference series the ISGS
constitutes a meeting place for researchers approaching the study of
bodily communication from a range of different perspectives.

The theme of the fifth conference of ISGS is The Communicative Body in
Development. Development is to be understood broadly as any change,
typical or atypical, in bodily communicative behaviour across the
lifespan, synchronically or diachronically, onto- and
phylogenetically, and across species. The conference also welcomes all
topics on bodily communication, studied in all settings, and from all
theoretical and disciplinary perspectives.

Conference web site: http://www.gesturestudies.com/isgs2012/

Plenary speakers (confirmed):
- Jana Iverson, University of Pittsburgh
- Spencer Kelly, Colgate University
- Stefan Kopp, Bielefeld University
- Lorenza Mondada, University of Basel
- Wendy Sandler, University of Haifa

We invite abstracts (max 300 words) of unpublished work for individual
papers, posters, and thematic panels.
- Papers will be 30 minutes; 20 minutes for presentation and 10 for
- Thematic panels are welcome and encouraged. The thematic panels
should focus on a well-defined research topic. Each panel will be
allocated 2 hours, which should include opening and closing remarks,
individual papers, discussants (if included) and general discussion.
- Posters are intended as a format for reports on work in progress.

Each author may submit no more than three abstracts: one as main
author and two as co-author).

Important dates:
- January 31, 2012: deadline for all submissions
- March 31, 2012: notification of acceptance
- July 24-27, 2012: conference, starting in the morning July 24,
closing in the afternoon on July 27.

Conference language
The conference language is English. Sign language interpreters will be

Local committee:
- Prof. Marianne Gullberg, Lund University
- Dr. Mats Andrén, Lund University
- Prof. Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, University of Copenhagen
- Dr. Maria Graziano, Lund University
- Dr. Agneta Gulz, Lund University
- Dr. Elaine Madsen, Lund University
- Sandra Debreslioska, MA, Lund University
- Maja Petersson, Lund University

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