PhD-course Methodology of Linguistics Research
Elisabeth Engberg - Pedersen
eep at
Thu Dec 15 13:07:16 UTC 2011
Methodology of Lingusitic Research
Time: January 23 - 27, 2011
Venue: Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 120, room 23.2.39
This course aims at giving the participants an introduction to the basic methodologies available in research into language and discourse. The first day will be devoted to the general theory of science as it pertains to research into language and discourse. Central aspects of the collection and treatment of data will be discussed, with an attempt to create a common overview and a first acquaintance with the many theoretical and methodological approaches that are applied in the PhD projects present at the course. The three following days will take us into the methods traditionally used in formal, functional, computational, cognitive and socio-linguistic approaches. The fifth and final day we will again try to combine the general with the specific and discuss how the different approaches relate to each other, and whether ‘I' learnt something that might be advantageously applied in my project from enlarging my acquaintance with other paradigms and approaches. In order to secure the realism of this course framework and a red thread throughout, the same two teachers, Tore Kristiansen and Pia Quist, will be present during the whole course.
Registration: Before January 9 th, 2012. Please fill out the registration form (see the top of this page, to the right) and upload an abstract of your project
See what the abstract must contain below.
We accept applications from PhD students, i.e. graduate students who have finished an MA and are working on a PhD project. Information about admittance will be sent out to applicants shortly after January 13th.
Applicants should write a max. two pages description of their project, outlining:
(1) the stage of the project (whether you are just beginning or perhaps close to finishing)
(2) the research question
(3) the theoretical framework
(4) the kind(s) of data that have been or will be collected
(5) the methods that have been or will be used to collect the data
(6) the methods that have been or will be used to analyze the data
These descriptions from the 20 admitted applicants will be posted on this website in order to give all participants the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the gamut of research interests involved at the course.
Credits: 4 ECTS. A course certificate will be issued to participants who have participated in at least 80% of the course.
Course coordinators: Tore Kristiansen, Pia Quist
Monday 23rd (Detailed Programme - Link: Morning<> and Afternoon<>)
General theory of science as it pertains to research into language and discourse. Data collection and data analysis. Overview of projects.
Teachers: Tore Kristiansen<> and Pia Quist
<>Tuesday 24th
Sociolinguistics and Conversational analysis
Teachers, morning: Tore Kristiansen<> and Pia Quist<> (Detailed Programme - Link<>)
Teacher, afternoon: Johannes Wagner<> (Detailed Programme - Link<>)
Wednesday 25th
Formal and Corpus linguistics
Teacher, morning: Per Anker Jensen<> (Detailed Programme - Link<>)
Teacher, afternoon: Frans Gregersen
<>Thursday 26th
Functional and Cognitive Linguistics
Teacher, morning: Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen<> (Detailed Programme - Link<>)
Teacher, afternoon: Lars Heltoft<> (Detailed Programme - Link<>)
Friday 27th (Detailed Programme - Link<>)
>>From abstract theory and methodology to specific parameters and approaches: Did ‘I' learn anything that will benefit my work on my own project?
Teachers: Tore Kristiansen<> and Pia Quist<>
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