Postdoctoral Research Positions at MPI for Psycholinguistics

Kobin Kendrick kobin at
Wed Feb 23 12:03:23 UTC 2011

    Postdoctoral Research Positions:  Interactional Foundations of Language

In connection with the ERC Advanced Grant to Stephen Levinson, three
postdoctoral staff positions are expected to be available from June
1st2011, in the general field of the study of human communication
The research will have two foci: (i) interactional timing and
synchronization, and (ii) the process of action and speech act recognition.
We are now looking for researchers who can address either or both of these
foci from at least one of the following methodologies:

(a)   interactional analysis of a non-IndoEuropean language (or any sign
language) using corpus methods and statistics

(b)  developmental studies of interaction with pre-linguistic infants and/or
children to the age of seven using experimental techniques

(c)   studies of online processing during interactive language use with e.g.
EEG or eye-tracking

The positions will be for one or two years in the first instance, renewable
for up to five years. Pure research positions, with access to all the
requisite lab facilities (cognitive neuroimaging, reaction time, baby-lab,
etc.), they offer excellent opportunities to learn new techniques and build
a vita. The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer. The
business of the institute is conducted in English and candidates should have
excellent written and spoken command of this language.

Applicants are advised to explore the MPI for Psycholinguistics website
(e.g., ).
Applications should include a vita, a clear statement of personal research
goals,  a description of special research skills, attached sample
publications, and the names of three referees.

Applications will be considered on an on-going basis until the positions are
Please send applications (in English) electronically to:
Edith Sjoerdsma (secretary to Prof. S.C. Levinson )
e-mail:   Edith.Sjoerdsma at

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