2nd CFP: EMCL-5.2 - Chicago

Steven Clancy sclancy at uchicago.edu
Thu Feb 24 17:11:55 UTC 2011

The Center for the Study of Languages at the University of Chicago together with

The Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies (CEERES)

and The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS)



Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 5.2 (EMCL-5.2) — Chicago

The Integration of Corpus and Experimental Methods

13 – 18 June 2011




Call for Participation


We invite applications to the next workshop on Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics – EMCL 5.2 – to be held at the University of Chicago (Chicago, IL), 13 – 18 June 2011.


The EMCL workshop series aims to encourage dialogue between language researchers who routinely employ different methodologies.  This dialogue is initiated within an environment where novices and specialists combine their skills to develop a research project together.  For EMCL 5.2, we will focus on the integration of corpus and experimental methods in language research.


Intended audience:   Early career language researchers (i.e., graduate students, postdocs, junior faculty, etc.) grounded in theoretical issues surrounding cognitive linguistics, cognitive science, embodiment, and/or situated cognition.  No prior training with corpus or experimental methods is necessary.


Format:  Selected students (maximum 8 per group, for a total of 24) will be invited to join one of the 3 hands-on mini-labs at the workshop.  Each group will be led by two researchers who will work cooperatively – one specializing in corpus methods, and one in experimental methods.  As a group, each mini-lab will walk through the process of deciding on a research question; developing empirically testable hypotheses and designing the means to test those hypotheses; collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the data; and presenting their findings before an audience.  The workshop will end with a mini-conference in which each group will have the opportunity to present their study and participate in a general discussion.


Workshop faculty:


Group 1:

Michele Feist

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Research interests:  lexical semantics; spatial and motion language; acquisition of semantics; linguistic typology; language and thought



Steven Clancy

University of Chicago

Research interests: cognitive linguistics; case semantics and verbal semantics; grammaticalization; historical linguistics; quantitative methods and corpus methods



Group 2:

Dagmar Divjak

University of Sheffield

Research interests: lexical semantics, usage-based cognitive linguistics, the role of frequency, corpus methods, grammar-lexis interface, near-synonyms, aspect and modality, language acquisition



Ben Bergen

University of California San Diego

Research interests: lexical and constructional meaning processing; figurative language comprehension; embodiment in models of language use



Group 3:

Laura Carlson

University of Notre Dame

Research interests:  spatial language; spatial reference frames; how we remember and use landmarks; why we get lost



Mark Davies

Brigham Young University

Research interests:  corpus design, creation, and use; historical change (especially syntax); genre-based variation (especially syntax), frequency and collocational data; English, Spanish, and Portuguese





Accommodations are available within easy walking distance of the university; prices range from $60+ per night for a single, or $80+ per night for a double. Further information will be given to accepted participants after notification of acceptance to the workshop.


Participation fee:  $300.00 


Fees will cover the costs of organization and faculty travel and accommodations and will also cover most meals for participants during the workshop.




To apply, please send the following:

1.     A letter of application, maximum of two pages, describing

a.     Your background and research interests

b.     Your reasons for wanting to participate in EMCL 5.2

c.      The research group you would like to work in and why

2.     A copy of your curriculum vitae.


Please submit all materials electronically to emcl5.2.chicago at gmail.com.

The application deadline is 15 March 2011.  Accepted applicants will be notified on or before 1 May 2011.


**Please note: Participation is strictly limited to accepted applicants so as to preserve the pedagogical integrity of the workshop atmosphere.


* * *

We thank the following organizations for their generous support of EMCL 5.2


The Center for the Study of Languages

The Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies (CEERES)

The Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS)



EMCL 5.2 Organizing Committee:


Michele I. Feist, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Steven Clancy, University of Chicago

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