New Benjamins title: Van linden et al. - Formal Evidence in Grammaticalization Research

Paul Peranteau paul at
Sun Mar 6 17:03:38 UTC 2011

Formal Evidence in Grammaticalization Research
Edited by An Van linden, Jean-Christophe Verstraete and Kristin Davidse 
University of Leuven
In collaboration with Hubert Cuyckens

Typological Studies in Language 94
2010. viii, 344 pp.

Hardbound 978 90 272 0675 6 / EUR 99.00 / USD 149.00

e-Book – Available from e-book platforms
978 90 272 8767 0 / EUR 99.00 / USD 149.00

This collective volume focuses on the crucial role of formal evidence in 
recognizing and explaining instances of grammaticalization. It addresses 
the hitherto neglected issue of system-internal factors steering 
grammaticalization and also revisits formal recognition criteria such as 
Lehmann and Hopper’s parameters of grammaticalization. The articles 
investigate developments of such phenomena as modal auxiliaries, 
attitudinal markers, V1-conditionals, nominalizers, and pronouns, using 
data from a wide range of languages and (in some cases) from diachronic 
corpora. In the process, they explore finer mechanisms of 
grammaticalization such as modification of coding means, structural and 
semantic analogy, changes in frequency and prosody, and shifts in 
collocational and grammatical distribution. The volume is of particular 
interest to historical linguists working on grammaticalization, and 
general linguists working on the interface between syntax, semantics and 
pragmatics, as well as that between synchrony and diachrony.

Table of contents

Acknowledgements vii–viii
Kristin Davidse, An Van linden and Jean-Christophe Verstraete 1–16
On problem areas in grammaticalization: Lehmann’s parameters and the 
issue of scope
Olga Fischer 17–42
Grammaticalization within and outside of a domain
Zygmunt Frajzyngier 43–62
Delexicalizing di: How a Chinese noun has evolved into an attitudinal 
Foong Ha Yap, Fanny Pik-ling Choi and Kam-siu Cheung 63–92
Should conditionals be emergent …: Asyndetic subordination in German and 
English as a challenge to grammaticalization research
Daan Van den Nest 93–136
 From manner expression to attitudinal discourse marker: The case of 
Dutch anders
Hans Smessaert and William Van Belle 137–190
Grammaticalization and lexicalization effects in participial morphology: 
A Construction Grammar approach to language change
Mirjam Fried 191–224
Frequency as a cause of semantic change: With focus on the second person 
form omae in Japanese
Shibasaki Reijirou 225–244
The role of frequency and prosody in the grammaticalization of Korean 
Sung-Ock Sohn 245–274
Emergence of the indefinite article: Discourse evidence for the 
grammaticalization of yige in spoken Mandarin
Mei-chun Liu 275–288
To dare to or not to: Is auxiliarization reversible?
Julia Schlüter 289–326
Author index 327–329
Index of languages and language families 331–332
Subject index 333–344

Paul M. Peranteau
John Benjamins Publishing
763 N 24th Street
Philadelphia PA  USA
Ph: 215 769-3444  Fax: 215 769-3446

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