New Benjamins title: Bril - Clause Linking and Clause Hierarchy
Paul Peranteau
paul at
Sun Mar 6 17:01:00 UTC 2011
Clause Linking and Clause Hierarchy. Syntax and pragmatics.
Edited by Isabelle Bril CNRS-LACITO
Studies in Language Companion Series 121
2010. viii, 632 pp.
Hardbound 978 90 272 0588 9 / EUR 105.00 / USD 158.00
e-Book – Available from e-book platforms
978 90 272 8758 8 / EUR 105.00 / USD 158.00
This collective volume explores clause-linkage strategies in a
cross-linguistic perspective with greater emphasis on subordination.
Part I presents some theoretical reassessment of syntactic terminologies
and distinctive criteria for subordination, as well as typological
methods based on sets of variables and statistics allowing
cross-linguistic comparability. Part II deals with strategies relating
to clause-chaining, conjunctive conjugations, converbial constructions,
masdars. Part III centers on the interaction between the syntax,
pragmatics, and semantics of clause-linking and subordination, in
relation to informational structure, to referential hierarchy, and
correlative constructions. Part IV presents insights in the
clause-linking and subordinating functions of some T.A.M. markers,
verbal inflectional morphology and conjugation systems, which may also
interact with informational hierarchy, via the backgrounding effects
and lack of illocutionary force of some aspect and mood forms. The
volume is of particular interest to linguists and typologists working on
clause-linkage systems and on the interface between syntax, pragmatics,
and semantics.
Table of contents
List of contributors vii–viii
Editor’s introduction: The syntax and pragmatics of clause linkage and
clause hierarchy: Some new perspectives
Isabelle Bril 1–24
Part I. Syntactic terminology and typological methods
Clause linkage and Nexus in Papuan languages
William Foley 27–50
Capturing particulars and universals in clause linkage: A multivariate
Balthasar Bickel 51–102
Part II. Clause-chaining, converbs, masdars, absolutive constructions, etc.
Specialized converbs and adverbial subordination in Axaxdәrә Akhvakh
Denis Creissels 105–142
Finite and non-finite: Prosodic distinctions on Budugh verb stems
Gilles Authier 143–164
Converbs and adverbial clauses in Badaga, a South-Dravidian language
Christiane Pilot-Raichoor 165–202
Coordination, converbs and clause chaining in Coptic Egyptian typology
and structural analysis
Chris H. Reintges 203–266
Part III. Subordination, informational hierarchy and referential hierarchy
Informational and referential hierarchy: Clause-linking strategies in
Austronesian-Oceanic languages
Isabelle Bril 269–312
Comment clause: Crossing the boundaries between simple and complex
Zygmunt Frajzyngier 313–332
Deixis, information structure and clause linkage in Yafi’ Arabic (Yemen)
Martine Vanhove 333–354
The role of the Berber deictic and TAM markers in dependent clauses in
Catherine Taine-Cheikh 355–398
Deixis and temporal subordinators in Pomak (Slavic, Greece)
Evangelia Adamou 399–420
Correlative markers as phoric “Grammaticalised Category Markers” of
subordination in German
Colette Cortès 421–448
Part IV. Informational hierarchy and TAM markers’ functions in
Focus, mood and clause linkage in Umpithamu (Cape York Peninsula,
Jean-Christophe Verstraete 451–468
Clause chaining and conjugations in Wolof: A typology of parataxis and
its semantics
Stéphane Robert 469–498
Pragmatic demotion and clause dependency: On two atypical subordinating
strategies in Lo-Toga and Hiw (Torres, Vanuatu)
Alexandre François 499–548
Tense-mood concordance and clause chaining in Mankon (a Grassfields
Bantu language)
Jacqueline Leroy 549–580
Clause dependency relations in East Greenlandic Inuit
Nicole Tersis 581–602
Coordination and subordination: Áma in Bulgarian dialectal Greek
Eleni Valma 603–618
Author index 619–621
Language index 623–624
Topic index 625–632
Paul M. Peranteau
John Benjamins Publishing
763 N 24th Street
Philadelphia PA USA
Ph: 215 769-3444 Fax: 215 769-3446
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