FINAL CALL for Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 6

Austin Bennett austin.bennett at
Mon Apr 2 12:43:22 UTC 2012

*FINAL CALL for Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics 6 - Case Western August 1 – 5, 2012*

***************  FINAL DEADLINE:  April 8, 2012  11:59 PM PST (FOR CALIFORNIA TIME)

Applications are open for the 6th Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics workshop, to be held at Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio August 1 – 5, 2012. See for more information.

The goal of EMCL is to facilitate dialogue among language researchers with different methodological backgrounds, i.e. theorists, experimentalists, corpus linguists, etc. We do this by creating an environment where specialists learn from each other by developing a research project together where their various skills are combined.

Intended audience: Language researchers with an embodiment, situated cognition and/or cognitive linguistics background. No prior experimental or corpus training is required though an understanding of the theoretical issues is necessary. Participants can be at different early stages in their careers, i.e. graduate students, post-grads, post-docs, junior faculty, etc.

*Workshop Format*: During the course of a week, participants will join one of 5 hands-on mini-labs. Each mini-lab will be responsible for completing a joint research project. A select group of students (max. 8 per group for a total of 40) will be invited to participate. Each group will work with two researchers who will guide the group in selecting an idea for the group to investigate, structuring and organizing a research project, and carrying it out. The session will end with the presentation of findings and a general discussion.
*Topics* to be covered include
- Deciding on a research topic
- Transforming the research topic into a research question
- Developing experimental hypotheses and designing an experiment
- Data collection
- Statistical analysis and interpretation
- Presentation of findings to an audience
- post-Workshop write up of the research, as a brief article

*Confirmed Faculty* *Groups*:
*Group 1: Seana Coulson and Shelli Feist*
Seana Coulson - UCSD, Dept. of Cognitive Science
Conceptual blending, joke comprehension, conceptual metaphor, sentence

Shelli Feist - University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Institute of Cognitive
Lexical semantics, spatial language, psycholinguistics

*Group 2: Daniel Casasanto and Todd Oakley*
Daniel Casasanto - The New School, Dept. of Psychology
Language and thought, culture and cognition, mind and body

Todd Oakley - Case Western, Dept. of Cognitive Science
Conceptual blending, force dynamics, joint attention

*Group 3: Ben Bergen and Laura Casasanto *
Ben Bergen - UCSD Dept. of Cognitive Science
Language comprehension, perceptual/motor simulation of language, conceptual

Laura Casassanto - Stony Brook University, Dept. of Linguistics
Identity, sociolinguistic variation, conceptual metaphor

*Group 4: Fey Parrill and Vera Tobin*
Fey Parrill - Case Western, Dept. of Cognitive Science
Co-speech gesture, pragmatics, embodied cognition, construction grammar,
social cognition

Vera Tobin - UCSB, Dept. of English
Language, social cognition, joint attention, cognitive approaches to

*Group 5: Kensy Cooperrider and Michael Spivey*
Kensey Cooperrider - Case Western, Dept. of Cognitive Science
Gesture and cognition, language and cognitive diversity

Michael Spivey - UC Merced, Dept. of Cognitive Science
Language and vision, sentence processing, computational modeling

*Application*: Please see our website for details. Completed applications must be submitted to emcl6case at by *APRIL 8, 2012*.

*Accomodation*:  Student housing at Case Western Reserve will be available for all participants. This will be the cheapest housing around (approx. $25 per night), though participants are free to stay anywhere they like.

*Participation Fee*:  $160. We have 1 tuition scholarship available for a student from Eastern Europe or a developing country which will be awarded by lottery.

*This workshop is sponsored by the International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA),

EMCL Scientific Committee:
Monica Gonzalez-Marquez, Cornell University/University of Bielefeld
Alan Cienki, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Ray Becker, University of Bielefeld
Shelli Feist, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

EMCL 6 Organizing Committee:
Austin Bennett, Case Western Reserve (chair)
Kashmiri Stec, University of Groningen
Todd Oakley, Case Western Reserve

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