Language Documentation - CoLang 2012 upcoming deadline

Carlos Nash cmnash at
Tue Apr 3 17:11:06 UTC 2012

Dear Colleague:

We would like to invite you to attend the upcoming CoLang 2012
(formerly InField) summer institute to be held at the University of
Kansas. The Institute provides an opportunity for undergraduates,
graduate students, practicing linguists, and community linguists to
become trained in a wide range of skills in community-centered
language documentation.

Part 1: Workshops - two weeks of intensive workshops on the practice
of documentary linguistics
Part 2: Practicum - a four-week apprenticeship in language
documentation. Languages offered are Tlingit [NaDene], Amazigh
(Berber) [Afro-Asiatic], Uda [Niger-Congo], and Cherokee [Iroquoian].

For more information the Workshops and Practicum, please visit our

UPCOMING DEADLINE: April 30, 2012 is the last registration day to
receive the regular
Workshop and Practicum pricing. A late registration fee will be
charged after this date.

Thank you, We hope to see at this upcoming CoLang 2012 summer institute!

Arienne Dwyer and Carlos Nash, Co-Directors

Carlos M Nash
Assistant Professor of Linguistic Anthropology and Language Technology
Dept. of Anthropology - University of Kansas
614 Fraser Hall

e-mail: cmnash at
phone: +1 785.864.6357

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