2 Jobs: SLA & Rhet-Comp

s.t. Bischoff bischoff.st at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 13:31:22 UTC 2013

Please see the call below...

The Department of English at the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez (UPRM)
is seeking two applicants for tenure-track positions at the level of
Assistant Professor (with a starting salary of $62,256) starting July 1,
2014. The requirements for each position are:

(1) Doctoral degree in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) or related field.
Teaching, research experience and a track record of academic publishing is
expected. Knowledge of Spanish is necessary. The candidate is expected to
teach ESL courses across skill levels as well as periodically teach

(2) Doctoral degree in Rhetoric and Composition or related field. Teaching,
research experience and a track record of academic publishing is expected.
Knowledge of Spanish is desirable. The candidate is expected to teach
primarily advanced English courses to first year students whose first
language is
Spanish as well as technical writing, public speaking and other
communications courses.

Interested candidates should send cover letter, curriculum vitae, and
copies of peer-reviewed publications by email to english at uprm.edu no later
than November 27, 2013. In addition, they should mail a copy of their
doctoral transcript and two letters of recommendation postmarked by
November 27, 2013 to the following address:

Dr. Rosita Rivera
Interim Director
Department of English
University of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez Campus
PO Box 9265
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico 00681-9265
Applications or materials received after November 27, 2013 will not be

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