CfP Theme Session - Corpus-based Approaches to Semantics and Pragmatics

Dylan Glynn dylan.glynn at
Mon Oct 14 22:05:53 UTC 2013

Theme Session: Corpus-based Approaches to Semantics and Pragmatics
at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea
11 – 14 September 2014, Poznań, Poland

This theme session brings together research employing corpus-based 
methods in the study of semantics and pragmatics. The focus will be 
methodological and restricted to corpus-driven, as opposed to 
corpus-illustrated, research. Small sample research and qualitative 
studies in gesture, discourse and conversation analysis are also welcome.

The last 25 years have seen a dramatic growth in observation-based 
studies in semantics and pragmatics. Indeed, with technological advances 
in corpus methods, in both Cognitive and Functional Linguistics, the use 
of such methods can currently be seen as one of the principle approaches 
to meaning structure. In Cognitive and Functional circles, Dirven et al 
(1982), Schmid (1993, 2000), Geeraerts et al. (1994, 1999), Scheibman 
(2002), Kärkkäinen (2003), Gries (2003), Gries & Stefanowitsch (2006) 
Szmrecsanyi (2006), Bednarek (2006), Cornillie (2007), Englebretson 
(2007) Hilpert (2008), Gilquin (2009), and Glynn & Fischer (2010), 
Breban (2010), Divjak (2010) Dziwirek & Lewandowska (2010) are just a 
few of the large number of works representation this trend. What ties 
these diverse studies together is the systematic use of contextualised 
observational data to understand the conceptual and functional 
motivations behind language structure.

Two corpus-driven approaches emerge across these traditions. The first 
is formal, based on collocations of lexemes and lexemes and 
constructions. This method examines formal patterns in observational 
data and interprets this as indicative of semantico-pragmatic 
structures. Being based on formal co-occurrence, the approach is 
methodological related to latent semantic analysis and vector space 
modelling in computational linguistics. The second approach includes 
profile-based analysis or multifactorial feature analysis and is based 
on the close manual annotation of semantico-pragmatic features of a 
language sample. This second approach is closely related to sentiment 
analysis in the computational tradition. The theme session will bring 
together researchers interested in developing methods, such as these and 
others, for the analysis of semantics and pragmatics.

Methods / keywords:
Conversation, discourse and gesture analysis
Collocations, collostructions, concordances
Multifactorial feature analysis
(profile-based approach / sentiment analysis / content analysis)
Latent semantic analysis and vector space modelling

For further information
Dylan Glynn (dglynn at
Guillaume Desagulier (gdesagulier at

Abstracts must be submitted twice.
First a short abstract (300 words) will be submitted to the theme 
session convenors and second a longer abstract (500 words) will be 
submitted to the conference itself.

It is essential that the abstracts follow strict guideless for structure.
1. Introduce briefly the problem and question / hypothesis.
2. Summarise briefly the method and data employed to answer question / 
test hypothesis.
3. Summarise briefly the results or expected results.

Please submit abstracts in a modifiable file format such as .rft, .doc, 
.docx or .odt

Submit abstracts to the convenors
Dylan Glynn: dglynn at
Guillaume Desagulier: gdesagulier at

Short Abstract for theme session: 20th Nov. 2013
Acceptance to theme session: 25th Nov. 2013
Longer abstract for SLE: 15th Jan 2014
Acceptance to SLE: 31st March 2014

Bednarek, M. 2006. Evaluation in Media Discourse. Continuum: London.
Breban, T. 2010. English Adjectives of Comparison. Mouton: Berlin.
Cornillie, B. 2007. Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality in Spanish. 
Mouton: Berlin.
Dirven, R. et al. 1982. Scene of Linguistic Action and its 
Perspectivization. Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Divjak, D. 2010. Structuring the Lexicon. Mouton: Berlin.
Dziwirek, K. & Lewandowska, B. 2010. Complex Emotions and Grammatical 
Mismatches. Mouton: Berlin.
Englebretson, R. 2007. Stancetaking in Discourse. Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Geeraerts et al. 1994. Structure of Lexical Variation. Mouton: Berlin.
Geeraerts et al. 1999. Convergentie en Divergentie in de Nederlandse 
Woordenschat. Meertens: Amsterdam.
Gilquin, G. 2010. Corpus, Cognition and Causative Constructions. 
Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Glynn, D. & Fischer, K. 2010. Quantitative Methods in Cognitive 
Semantics. Mouton: Berlin.
Gries, St. Th. & Stefanowitsch, A. 2006. Corpora in Cognitive 
Linguistics. Mouton: Berlin.
Gries, St. Th. 2003. Multifactorial Analysis in Corpus Linguistics. 
Continuum: London.
Hilpert, M. 2008. Germanic Future Constructions. Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Kärkkäinen, E. 2003. Epistemic Stance in English Conversation. 
Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Scheibman, J. 2002. Point of View and Grammar. Benjamins: Amsterdam.
Schmid, H. J. 2000. English Abstract Nouns as Conceptual Shells. Mouton: 
Schmid, H. J. 1993. Kategorisierung als Grundprinzip einer 
differenzierten Bedeutungsbeschreibung. Niemeyer: Tübingen.
Szmrecsanyi, B. 2006. Morphosyntactic Persistence in Spoken English. 
Mouton: Berlin.

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