Romance Gender Research Summary

Veronique PERRY veronique_perry at YAHOO.COM
Tue May 15 14:29:35 UTC 2007

Dear Richard and all, 

Fabienne Baider mentioned a "French-speaking feminist journal" called ANEF, whose website is : you can search for linguists or people working in literature, order proceedings and contact its webmistress, Nicole Décuré at contact at, even in English.
As for my papers, three of them are downloadable for free on this website, more precisely on this page

Best regards,

Véronique PERRY
(33) (0) - (33) (0) 
Recherche : Didactique des Langues (anglais/français) et Genre 
Gender Studies and Language Teaching (english & french), 
Laboratoire LAIRDIL []
Enseignement : Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, 
UFR de langues []

----- Original Message ----
From: "Cameron, Richard" <rcameron at UIC.EDU>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:41:07 PM
Subject: Romance Gender Research Summary

On May 7th, I posted a request here for information on researchers who
investigate issues of gender and/or sexuality in Romance Languages.

“I am in the beginning stages of compiling a list of researchers who
work on issues of language and gender in Romance languages such as
Spanish, French, Italian, Portguese, Catalan, Gallego, or Catalan.

Do any of you know of some researchers and/or articles or books which
target these languages?“

Here are the responses.

Thanks to all who responded. I hope I have not left out any responders.

If so, let me know.  – Richard Cameron

1) From Susan Ervin-Tripp:

“I wrote an article on gender which reported an experiment on the
semantics of gender, using Italian speakers. it was published as follows:

Ervin, S. M. (1962).  The connotations of gender. Word, 18, 249-261.”

2) From Marisol del-Teso-Craviotto

“I have worked on Spanish and gender and sexuality issues. This article
may be of interest to you:

2006 "Language and sexuality in Spanish and English dating chats."
Journal of Sociolinguistics. 10(4): 460-481.

I'm also working on the revisions of an article that will appear in
Discourse Studies. If you need further information, please let me

3) From Jennifer Coates

“You could contact Fabienne Baider (University of Cyprus) who works on
language and gender issues in French and Italian, and Marcella de Marco
(Roehampton University, London) who is working on a PhD on language and
gender issues in Spanish and Italian.”

4) From Fabienne Baider

“I am Fabienne Baider, the person Jen Coates mentioned in her mail. I am
only working on French. Sara Gesuato from the university of Padua is
working on English and Italian.

The Three big names of linguists in France working on gender:

Anne Marie Houdebine  - university of paris
Claire Michard  - ' used to work also in Paris
Edwige Khaznadar ' universite de Toulouse

Names can be found in the two main French speaking feminist journals:
Nouvelles questions feministes (based now in switzerland)
and Association des Etudes feministes (ANEF) based in France. “

5) From Miriam Meyerhoff

“You don't say if you are interested in Br. Portuguese as well as
continental. If so, you might check out work by Ana Cristina Ostermann

2006 Comunidades de prácticas de gênero no trabalho. In: Viviane Heberle,
AnaChristina Ostermann and Débora de Carvalho Figueiredo (eds) Estudos de
Linguagem e Gênero no Brasil. Florianópolis: Editora de UFSC.

José Santaemiliano has a 2003 edited collection Género, lenguaje y
traducción. Published by  University of Valencia. Individual papers deal 
with Spanish, Catalan, French. (Some in Spanish) Probably easiest to get
this by contacting José directly. And he will have an up to date
bibliography of work being done in CAtalan and Spanish.

Joan Pujolar i Cos probably also has a good bibliography of people working
on  Catalan (and Sp.?) and gender, since he does himself.

Suzanne Fleischman used to work on gender and French. A paper in the
Proceedings of the 3rd Berkeley Women and Lg Conference (those
proceedings also a source for materials on Spanish in the US).

6) From Olga Castro, , a pre-doctoral student at the Universidade de Vigo,
in Galicia.

I am currently doing research on Feminisms and Translation and, more
specifically, I am preparing my Thesis on Language, Gender and Translation
(Galician <> English).

The most recent contribution I made was in April 2-4th 2007, when I
presented a paper in Aberdeen at the International Conference of the
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (Galician Studies
panel) entitled:
(Language and Gender: New Approaches Proposing Galician Linguistic

As far as I am concerned, there are not many works being carried out on
this topic in/about Galician (or galego). If you need any further
information just let me know. I would be glad to help you.

As for Spanish and/or Catalan, these are some of the names that come to my
mind: Carmen Alario, Mercedes Bengoechea, Eulalia Lledó, Mercè Otero, José
Santaemilia, Ana Vargas, María Ángeles Calero, Pilar Godayol.  “

7) From Véronique PERRY

“I've been working on gender in French compared to English and edited
proceedings on feminisation / gender awareness in and on French, ELT and
EFL in France, gender and language, queer issues, etc.
I'm French and I know some French people who've worked on this touchy
subject in France Here below are part of my publications.

Coordination d’ouvrage collectif :
Perry V. (2004a). Désexisation et parité linguistique : le cas de la
langue française (dir.). Actes des Ateliers 3 et 30 du 3ème Colloque
international de la recherche féministe francophone, Université Toulouse
II – Le Mirail, 20 et 22 septembre 2002. Toulouse : ANEF (165 p.)

¬    Perry V. (2002). De la grammaire à la sociolinguistique : tentative
d’analyse du couple genre / gender en anglais et en français. Le genre :
de la catégorisation du sexe. Le Feuvre N. (dir.). UTINAM, revue de
sociologie et d’anthropologie 5.Paris : L’Harmattan, 115-133.
¬    Perry V. (2003). Le « relativisme culturel de genre » en didactique
des langues et cultures. Féminin / Masculin : Du genre et des
identités…sexuées. Marro C. (dir.) Pratiques Psychologiques 2003-3, 21-37.
¬    Perry V. (2004b). Pour une épistémologie du genre en linguistique de
langue française (Présentation). Perry V. (dir.). Désexisation et parité
linguistique. Toulouse : ANEF, 5-11.
¬    Perry V. (2004c). Bicatégorisation et colonialisme linguistique : les
enjeux du Queer. Perry V. (dir.). Désexisation et parité linguistique.
Toulouse : ANEF, 115-124.
¬    Perry V. (2006a). Catégories du genre linguistique et performativité
: pour une expérimentation des « identités contextuelles de genre » en
classe d’anglais. Langues-cultures et genre. Baurens M. (dir.). ELA, revue
de didactologie des langues-cultures et de lexiculturologie (201-214).
¬    Perry V. (2006b). Les catégories du genre linguistique et la logique
du « tires exclu » en anglais et en français : quelles « normes »
enseigner ? Actes de la journée « Les études genre à l’Université Toulouse
II – Le Mirail, approches pluridisciplinaires, le 9 décembre 2005 (35-40).
¬    Perry V. (2007a). Le genre grammatical et l’enseignement des langues
: l’exemple du français face à l’anglais, aspects théoriques et idées de
mise en œuvre. 50 fiches-ressources pour l’école. Préface de N. Mosconi.
Coord. V. Houadec, mission Egalité filles – garçons, Académie de Toulouse
(sous presse).
¬   Perry V. (2007b). Gender identity and the tolerance to epicene
pronouns: the case of French students entrenched in a binary gender
system. Gender Query: Explorations of Identity, Expression, and
Embodiment. Edited by Jakob Hero, Cambridge Scolars Press. (Sortie prevue
mi-2007). “

8) From  Kate Beeching

“I work on French - (2002 book Gender, politeness and pragmatic particles
in French, published by Benjamins) - and also edited volume with Nigel
Armstrong and Cécile Bauvois (2001) La langue française au féminin (Paris:
L'Harmattan). Most work on Language and Gender in French is being
conducted OUTSIDE France in e.g. Belgium and Canada. “

9) From Malka Muchnik

‘Mercedes Bengoechea, from Alcala de Henares, has many publications on
Language and Gender in Spanish.”

10) From Tommaso Milani

“You should start looking at Joan Pujolar i Cos' work on multilingualism
and gender in Catalunya. There is also a forthcoming issue of Marges
Linguistiques edited by Alexandre Duchene and Claudine Moise about
language and gender/sexuality, but I am not sure whether they will deal
specifically with Romance languages. In Italian there is the collection
edited by Gianna Marcato (1995), Donna e Linguaggio. Padova: CLEUP.”

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