Call for proposals for the organisation of future IGALA conferences

Litosseliti, Evangelia L.Litosseliti at CITY.AC.UK
Wed Oct 30 21:26:23 UTC 2013

Call for Proposals for the organization of future IGALA conferences

Dear IGALA members,

On behalf of the IGALA Executive and Advisory Board, I would like to invite IGALA members to submit their proposal for the organization of future IGALA conferences.

IGALA members interested in organizing future IGALA conferences are invited to present their proposal to the IGALA Board, during their next meeting, to take place on the 4th of June 2013 in Vancouver, one day before the IGALA8 conference opens (

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please send an email to both me, Lia Litosseliti (l.litosseliti at<mailto:l.litosseliti at>), and Ana Cristina Ostermann (aco at<mailto:aco at>), so that we can officially register your interest and allocate a specific time slot for your proposal presentation.

Your proposal should include the following information:

*        Name and affiliation of: Organizing Team Members & Conference Chair
*        Proposed dates (2 at least)
*        Proposed location: country, city, specific venue
*        General information about the region
*        Access to the venue (plane, train, bus & distances)
*        Info and pictures of the venue and city
*        List of the infrastructure/facilities of the venue
*        List of reasons why this would be a good venue to host an IGALA conference (e.g. if the conference facilities can be available for free, as this reduces the registration fees, not been held there before, with a good 'catchment area', famous willing plenary speakers in the area already, etc)
*        Accommodation around the area
*        Visa info
*        Possibilities on themes for the conference
*        Estimation of the registration fees (range of prices)
*        What would be included in the registration fees
*        Possibilities of funding
*        Ability to act as treasurer for IGALA and the conference in the two years prior to the conference, i.e. to open a bank account and handle the disbursement of conference travel grants
*        Liaison with other associations
*        Other items you might like to add to show why this would be a perfect place to host an IGALA conference

Best regards,

Lia Litosseliti,
IGALA President

Dr Lia Litosseliti
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics & Programme Director for BSc (Hons) Speech and Language Therapy
Department of Language and Communication Science
City University London
Northampton Square
London EC1V 0HB

l.litosseliti at<mailto:l.litosseliti at>

President of the International Gender and Language Association (IGALA) -
Associate Editor of Gender and Language -<>

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