[Gala-l] IGALA11 updates

Erez Levon e.levon at qmul.ac.uk
Tue Mar 3 15:18:06 UTC 2020

Hi all,

We wanted to send a quick message to let you know that, like everyone, we are closely following the evolving situation with the worldwide COVID-19 outbreak and considering what impact, if any, it may have on the upcoming IGALA11 conference<https://www.qmul.ac.uk/igala11/> (29 June - 2 July at Queen Mary in London). We are monitoring university and national advice and will share any updates with all participants in the event that any changes to event planning need to be made. For now, our plans for IGALA11 remain in place and we very much hope to see you all in London at the end of June. Do feel free to be in touch with us (igala11 at qmul.ac.uk<mailto:igala11 at qmul.ac.uk>) if you have any specific questions or concerns about this.

Also: we hope to have an initial programme of talks, panels and plenaries for IGALA11 published on our website within the next two weeks. We thank you for your patience as we put the programme together.

(on behalf of the IGALA11 Organising Committee)

Erez Levon
Professor of Sociolinguistics
Queen Mary University of London

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