[Gala-l] SLA 2022 late-breaking sessions and registration

Kira Hall kira.hall at colorado.edu
Sat Mar 12 02:33:51 UTC 2022

Join 500+ presenters in Boulder and on Gather April 6-9 at the 2022 Spring Meeting of the Society for Linguistic Anthropology. Find the Full Program at our official SLA 2022 Trello Board<https://trello.com/b/XePCVlsK/sla-2022-spring-conference-full-schedule>. Register at our Conference Registration<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVsGh6YHClbJUOv9nX20G9KZqmz-4FKi6nLjKtanOBh6t4iw/viewform> link.  Sign up for one or more of our 13 featured workshops at our Workshop Signup Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScXqmyDj4v_MYpTJkkZID9dpNNJLo-np_Y-BdM-RoemWujmmw/viewform>.

Final call for late-breaking sessions and posters: The SLA 2022 Conference Organizing Team welcomes proposals for late-breaking sessions and posters on the inperson and virtual tracks through Monday, March 14. If you have an idea for a proposal idea you would like to share for a panel, roundtable, workshop, or poster, contact the conference organizers at SLABoulder at gmail.com<mailto:SLABoulder at gmail.com>. Session proposals of up to 500 words should address the conference theme in some way. Poster proposals of up to 250 words may address any topic in the study of language and society.

See you at SLA 2022!

The SLA 2022 Conference Organizing Team
SLABoulder at gmail.com<mailto:SLABoulder at gmail.com>

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