[Gala-l] Call for Best Article Prize Submission - IGALA12

Nguyen Thi Thu Ha (Dr) nguyen.thuha at nie.edu.sg
Tue Nov 1 09:28:15 UTC 2022

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the IGALA Executive Board, we are happy to announce the IGALA12 Best Article Prize contest addressing the IGALA12 conference theme of Gender, Language, and Sustainable Organizations. If you have published a journal article in any language since January 2020 that fits the conference theme and would like it to be considered in the contest, please send your publication to Nguyen Thi Thu Ha (nguyen.thuha at nie.edu.sg). Please send the article with a cover note (in English), outlining how the article speaks to the conference theme. Also, please use the wording IGALA12 Best Article Prize as the subject in your email. Persons submitting articles must be members of IGALA.

The deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2023. Only already published articles and those with an assigned DOI will be considered and evaluated, on the basis of the following criteria:
1. Internal coherence and structure
2. Contribution to the field of language, gender and sexuality
3. Extent of literature review/coverage of field
4. Style and organization
5. Addressing the theme of Gender, Language, and Sustainable Organizations
6. Originality
THE PRIZE is a 2-year free subscription of the journal Gender and Language
and the winning author will be announced at the IGALA12 Conference in Brisbane.

For more information on the IGALA12 conference please visit:

We look forward to your article submissions.

Best wishes,
Nguyen Thi Thu Ha and Scott Burnette
IGALA Executive Board

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