[IGALA] Book reviews - Journal of Gender and Language

Federica Formato F.Formato at brighton.ac.uk
Wed Jan 4 14:54:27 UTC 2023

Dear all,


I am writing with some news as the book review editor of the Gender and Language Journal. There are some new books that are relevant to the field of Language, gender and sexuality and we look forward to including the reviews in our journal. I include all instructions and a list of the books in this email. Please note that we are happy to receive suggestions of other books that are not currently in this list.

We welcome scholars of all levels and all around the world to submit reviews, we also suggest that MA/PhD students work together with a supervisor or a senior scholar so that they can receive guidance about the review.

This is the list of the books:

Santos, A. C. (2023). LGBTQ+ Intimacies in Southern Europe. Citizenship, Care and Choice. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Heritage, F. (2021). Language, Gender and Videogames: Using Corpora to Analyse the Representation of Gender in Fantasy Videogames. Springer Nature.
Bracke, M. A., Bullock, J. C., Morris, P., & Schulz, K. (Eds.). (2021). Translating Feminism: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text, Place and Agency. Springer Nature.
Paiz, J. M., & Coda, J. E. (Eds.). (2021). Intersectional Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Issues in Modern Language Teaching and Learning. Springer International Publishing.
Russell, E. L. (2021). Alpha Masculinity: Hegemony in Language and Discourse. Palgrave Macmillan.
February 2023 Tranchese, A. From Fritzl to #metoo Twelve Years of Rape Coverage in the British Press. Palgrave

De Gruyer
Ramos-Zayas, A. Y., & Rúa, M. M. (Eds.). (2021). Critical Dialogues in Latinx Studies: A Reader. NYU Press.

Cambridge University Press
Fought, C., & Eisenhauer, K. (2022). Language and Gender in Children's Animated Films: Exploring Disney and Pixar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108894586
Serena Dankwa (2021) Knowing Women: Same-Sex Intimacy, Gender, and Identity in Postcolonial Ghana. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Russell, L. (2018). Women and Dictionary-Making: Gender, Genre, and English Language Lexicography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316941553

Oxford University Press
March 2023 Lawson, R. Language and Mediated Masculinities. Cultures, Contexts, Constraints. OUP

Banegas, D. L., & Govender, N. (Eds.). (2022). Gender Diversity and Sexuality in English Language Education: New Transnational Voices. Bloomsbury Publishing.

Brown, M., Rogers, B. A., & Caldwell, M. (2022). Gender and Sexuality in the Classroom: An Educator's Guide. Taylor & Francis.
Nagar, I. (2019). Being Janana: language and sexuality in contemporary India. Routledge.
Dayter, D., & Rüdiger, S. (2022). The Language of Pick-Up Artists: Online Discourses of the Seduction Industry. Routledge.

Taylor and Francis
Cordoba, S. (2022). Non-Binary Gender Identities: The Language of Becoming. Taylor & Francis.

To candidate yourself to write a review of one of these books please fill in this form: <https://forms.office.com/e/r0Nh1t9S10> https://forms.office.com/e/r0Nh1t9S10

Please note that it might take some time before receiving the confirmation, as several people might ask for the same book and I will have to check all profiles. It did happen, in the past, that I wasn't able to offer the book requested but I did contact the scholar asking to review another title that would match their research interests.

To write a book review for our journal please see the instructions below:

Receiving books

it might be that you are already reading an interesting book or one in the list below. In this case, please do let me know that you have a copy. You can also go on the website of the publisher and ask for a reviewer's copy (usually there is a form to fill. More likely they will offer e-books rather than shipping hard copies. However, if you need help with this, I am happy to contact the publishers to ask for copies (I will cc- you in the email exchanges).

Structure of your review - please make sure that these criteria are met!

Reviews should not be longer than 1000 words and they should deal with how terminology, theories, frameworks and arguments that contribute to the field of language, gender and sexuality.  It goes without saying that you can mention/problematise terminology, theories, frameworks and arguments. We are not interested in a detailed summary of the chapters, this can appear in the review but the whole summary should not take up more than a paragraph.


We are quite flexible with the deadlines, especially at this moment. I am happy for you to agree a deadline with me. We can keep in touch once you have received the book and I will make a note in a spreadsheet. Ideally, the review should be sent within 6-8 months.

When the review is ready, what happens?

Please  upload the review on the new website of the journal. I will give it a first read, and possibly ask for some changes/amendments. Once it is ready, I will send it to one of the editors who will give it another read and, possibly, offer further comments. The journal only publishes those that meet the standards.


There is no particular information about this, but we as the editors of the journal have agreed to have the following format:
Title of the book
Author (Year)
Publisher, XXXpp.
Reviewed by name of the reviewer
Affiliation (name of the university)
Affiliation (name of the school, department)
your email
your preferred pronouns
please include this information in the submitted review.

Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes,

Dr Federica Formato (she/her/hers)

Senior Lecturer in Sociolinguistics

Course Leader English Language/Linguistics subject area




I am currently on research leave (awarded through the University's Great Minds scheme), and replies might be delayed.

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