[IGALA] Thanks for a fantastic IGALA12!!

Claire Maree cmaree at unimelb.edu.au
Sat Jul 8 04:04:08 UTC 2023

Thanks again to everyone for a fantastic IGALA12.
The research sharing and discussions at offered the opportunity to reconnect across and between colleagues working in gender, language, and sexuality studies and to generate new connections.
The Keynotes delivered by Laura Mullany, Meredith Marra and Verena Thomas showed the diversity of approaches to the Conference themes of Gender, Language, and Sustainable Organizations. Many thanks for sharing your research insights and fostering opportunities to delve deeper into pressing issues of sustainability and social justice.
Sincere thanks to the IGALA12 Conference Chair, Kate Power, and to Co-Chair Terry Fitzsimmons, and all of the IGALA12 Conference volunteers.
Kate worked tirelessly to organise a hybrid conference during ongoing Covid-19 conditions. The team of volunteers also worked tirelessly to facilitate the discussion and ensure the smooth running of the in-room and on-zoom sessions. As you will know, Chairing the IGALA Conference is done entirely on a volunteer basis, and made possible by the hard work of the Organising Committee, and support from sponsors they have attracted.
IGALA membership fees are used to provide travel bursaries for presenters from lower- and middle-income countries and to support our emerging researchers – graduate students who are the future of our work.  We awarded 5 travel bursaries at IGALA12. We are immensely grateful to IGALA members for contributing in this important way.
The IGALA12 Best Article Prize was awarded to Emma Tennent for her co-authored paper (with Ann Weatherall) “I Don’t Have An Address”: Housing Instability And Domestic Violence In Help-Seeking Calls To A Support Service” which was published in Feminism and Psychology in 2020. Congratulations to Emma on this achievement, and to Ann as co-author as well. Many thanks to all who submitted articles, and colleagues who acted as judges.
The Best article award was coordinated by Ordinary Members of the Advisory Board.
Journal News!
In 2023, IGALA’s flagship journal Gender and Language continues to go from strength to strength. Many thanks to the editorial team—Co-editors: Rodrigo Borba, Kira Hall and Mie Hiramoto; Book reviews editor: Federica Formato. The new Book reviews editor to be announced soon.
You can keep up to date with the latest from Gender and Language via the journal website(https://journal.equinoxpub.com/GL/), the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/genderlanguage) or on Twitter  (@GenderLanguage).
 Reminder: IGALA Elections
Our IGALA elections are currently underway. Information about the candidates running for election to the IGALA Board are available on the IGALA website, where you can cast your vote. https://igalaweb.wixsite.com/igala/elections
 Welcoming the new President
As is customary, the end of the conference marks the beginnings of a new leadership. From July, Denise Troutman will take on the role of IGALA President.
Save the date! IGALA 13: July, 2025 Following on from the success of IGALA12, we are delighted to announce that IGALA13 will be held at the Universidad de la Repúlica, Uruguay under the Committee Chair of Germán Canale. Germán has put together a fantastic team, and we are very excited to be working on the next conference. More details will be available in the coming months. In the meantime, please keep July, 2025 free for IGALA13!
 Finally, a very, very heartfelt Thank you to everyone for their support and encouragement during my term as IGALA President.
It has been a wonderful expereince, and I am truly truly grateful to have worked alongside such fabulous colleagues.

Many thanks again!
Claire Maree
Outgoing President, International Gender and Language Association.

Dr Claire Maree | Professor  | Asia Institute<https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/asia-institute> | University of Melbourne

Faculty Affiliate, Gender Studies Program<https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/asia-institute/discipline-areas/gender-studies>  | Faculty of Arts | University of Melbourne
Centre Associate, Melbourne Centre for Cities<https://sites.research.unimelb.edu.au/cities> | University of Melbourne

Coordinator, International Network for Gender & Sexuality in Japanese Language Education (INGS-J<https://ingsjapanese.wordpress.com>) @INGS_JLng<https://twitter.com/INGS_JLng>
Past-President, International Gender and Language Association (IGALA<https://www.genderandlanguage.com>)

Pronouns: -/her/-

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which I work, and pay my respects to the Elders, past and present.
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