[IGALA] Save the Date!! IGALA13 , July 2025 at Universidad de la Repúlica. Uruguay

Claire Maree cmaree at unimelb.edu.au
Sat Jul 8 04:05:28 UTC 2023

Save the date! IGALA 13: July, 2025

 Following on from the success of IGALA12, we are delighted to announce that IGALA13 will be held at the Universidad de la Repúlica, Uruguay under the Committee Chair of Germán Canale.

Germán has put together a fantastic team, and we are very excited to be working on the next conference.

More details will be available in the coming months.

In the meantime, please keep July, 2025 free for IGALA13!

Kind regards,

Claire Maree (PhD)
Professor  | Asia Institute<https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/asia-institute> | University of Melbourne

Faculty Affiliate, Gender Studies Program<https://arts.unimelb.edu.au/asia-institute/discipline-areas/gender-studies>  | Faculty of Arts | University of Melbourne
Centre Associate, Melbourne Centre for Cities<https://sites.research.unimelb.edu.au/cities> | University of Melbourne

Co-Coordinator,  International Network of Gender, Sexuality & Japanese Language Education (INGS-Japanese<https://ingsjapanese.wordpress.com>)  @INGS_JLng<https://twitter.com/INGS_JLng>
Past-President, International Gender and Language Association (IGALA<https://www.genderandlanguage.com>)

Pronouns: -/her/-

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which I work, and pay my respects to the Elders, past and present.
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