[IGALA] IGALA elections start Monday

Burnett, Scott scott.burnett at psu.edu
Sat Jul 8 08:44:51 UTC 2023

Dear IGALA members

In reference to the e-mail just sent by Claire, please note that voting for will open on Monday. 

I will be updating the IGALA website with the details of new candidates over the weekend and send out a message when it is time to vote.

All the best,
Scott Burnett (he/him)
Assistant Professor of African Studies and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
The Pennsylvania State University
scott.burnett at psu.edu 
Sparks 015H

AFR <https://africanstudies.la.psu.edu/directory/skb6434/> / WGSS <https://wgss.la.psu.edu/people/skb6434/>
 <https://www.genderandlanguage.com/>IGALA <http://genderandlanguage.com/> Communications Office
Google Scholar <https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=mmPM2PEAAAAJ&hl=en>

The Pennsylvania State University campuses are located on the original homelands of the Erie, Haudenosaunee (Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, and Tuscarora), Lenape (Delaware Nation, Delaware Tribe, Stockbridge-Munsee), Shawnee (Absentee, Eastern, and Oklahoma), Susquehannock, and Wahzhazhe (Osage) Nations. Penn State’s ‘land grant’ was funded by the sale of land taken from 112 tribal nations in 50 land cessions across 16 states.

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