[IGALA] Notice of IGALA Executive Committee Meeting

Burnett, Scott scott.burnett at psu.edu
Wed Sep 13 15:02:25 UTC 2023

Dear members of IGALA

We would like to invite you to submit items to the agenda of the IGALA executive committee meeting due to take place in late October / early November 2023.

To facilitate discussion, please send to me your suggested resolution or action, with a brief but substantive motivation.

After the meeting, we will then report back to the IGALA membership on how we will move forward as an association.

We hope that you are all thriving where you are, and continuing your excellent research and activist work in language and gender!

All the best,
Scott Burnett (Secretary)

and on behalf of

Denise Troutman (President)
Lucy Jones (President-Elect)
Claire Maree (Past President)
Farieda Zulaikha (Communications Officer)
Alwin Aguirre (Member)
Thu Ha (Member)
Angela Zottola (Member)
Koki Kapa (Grad Student Representative)
Rodrigo Borba (Journal Representative)

Scott Burnett (he/him)
Assistant Professor of African Studies and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
The Pennsylvania State University
scott.burnett at psu.edu 
Sparks 015H

AFR <https://africanstudies.la.psu.edu/directory/skb6434/> / WGSS <https://wgss.la.psu.edu/people/skb6434/>
 <https://www.genderandlanguage.com/>Secretary of the International Gender and Language Association <http://genderandlanguage.com/>
Fall 2023 Fellow of the Centre for Global Studies <https://cgs.la.psu.edu/>
Google Scholar <https://scholar.google.co.za/citations?user=mmPM2PEAAAAJ&hl=en>

The Pennsylvania State University campuses are located on the original homelands of the Erie, Haudenosaunee (Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, and Tuscarora), Lenape (Delaware Nation, Delaware Tribe, Stockbridge-Munsee), Shawnee (Absentee, Eastern, and Oklahoma), Susquehannock, and Wahzhazhe (Osage) Nations. Penn State’s ‘land grant’ was funded by the sale of land taken from 112 tribal nations in 50 land cessions across 16 states.

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