[IGALA] Language, Gender & Sexuality SIG committee positions - final call for applications

Jai Mackenzie J.Mackenzie at staff.newman.ac.uk
Mon Jul 1 11:10:51 UTC 2024

Dear all,

Please note that the deadline to apply for a committee role (Convenor, Treasurer or Events Co-ordinator) with the BAAL Language, Gender and Sexuality SIG is this Friday​, 5th July: details below. If you have any questions, please do get in touch with myself or Frazer.

All the best,

Jai Mackenzie

From: Jai Mackenzie
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2024 09:37
To: gala-l at listserv.linguistlist.org <gala-l at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: Language, Gender & Sexuality SIG committee positions - call for applications

**Call for applications: Convenor, Treasurer and Events Co-ordinator for the BAAL Language, Gender and Sexuality Special Interest Group​​**

Dear all (with apologies for cross-posting),

The Language, Gender and Sexuality special interest group, which is a subsidiary of the British Association for Applied Linguistics, is now inviting nominations for committee positions.

The three available posts are The Convenor, Treasurer, and Events Co-ordinator. A brief description of each role is outlined below.

• Convenor - responsible for keeping the SIG Coordinator informed of activities, coordinating vetters for the AM proposals, choosing papers and running order for the SIG track, and submitting the SIG’s annual report to the SIG Coordinator in August each year

• Treasurer - responsible for costing events, for preparing an account of income and expenses after an event, for submitting financial statements to the BAAL accountant in June each year and for preparing an annual financial statement for members (to be included with the Convenor's annual report)

• Event Co-ordinator - responsible for planning an events calendar, ensuring events appear on the BAAL website and in BAALmail, contacting local organisers, vetting arrangements, preparing reports on events for publication in the BAAL newsletter.

If you are interested in joining the committee in any of these roles, please send a short C.V. and 250-word statement explaining why you'd like to be considered, to Frazer Heritage (SIG Secretary – email: F.heritage at mmu.ac.uk) by Friday 5th July. The short bio will be shared with the membership, and the membership will ultimately vote for who they would like in each role.

If you have any questions in the interim, please do get in touch. If you'd like to find out more about the group, please visit our website: BAAL Language, Gender and Sexuality SIG – The British Association of Applied Linguistics’ Special Interest Group for Language, Gender and Sexuality (wordpress.com)<https://baalgensex.wordpress.com/>

With the warmest of wishes,

Jai Mackenzie (SIG Convenor), on behalf of Frazer Heritage (SIG Secretary)


Dr. Jai Mackenzie

Senior Lecturer in Applied Writing and Humanities

e: j.mackenzie at staff.newman.ac.uk<mailto:emailaddress at staff.newman.ac.uk>
w: www.newman.ac.uk<http://www.newman.ac.uk/>

a: OX110, Oxford Hall, Birmingham Newman University, Genners Lane, Bartley Green, B32 3NT

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