[gothic-l] Athanareiks = Heidrek?

sig sigmund at ALGONET.SE
Sat Dec 2 23:24:14 UTC 2000


The key point here is if germ. "aiza" can become Swe. "ära"
etymologically, since they both seem to mean honor, respect.

Frank Kermes wrote:

> I think it does; at least in Old Norse, "primitive" Norse (basically the
> pre-literary Runic language) seems to use a terminal /R/ separate from
> initial or medial /r/ that represents proto-germanic -az, as does Gothic -s.
>   In fact, (I'm only just beginning to learn Gothic, so my knowledge is
> still weak), it looks like many strong masculine nominative singular nouns
> are nearly identical, with Old Norse -r replacing Gothic -s 

 That's rather obvious. Time and again one comes across
gothic nouns ending in -s, corresponding to protogermanic's
-z and Norse -r. Take fish: fisk|a|z in its three morphems,
which in ON becomes fiskr or fiskur. Its this correspondence
-z to r I tried to hit at.

So then, can germ. "aiza" can become Swe. "ära"
etymologically; honor, respect, repute?

 First, Frank points at this evolution being a rule when we
are talking about _terminal_ /R/. It may seem a problem I
guess that in aiza the -z- is not terminal. But I in the
stem it is, since the stem could have been "haiz" (knowing
that i.e. roots always started with a consonant and was
constructed by two consonants and one vowel) and hence the h
here a laryngeal, which disappeared in most languages.

> . . .  wait, cognitive flash!

Me too . . . contagious? :-D  What if the initial laryngeal
was kept and thus gave origin to both hauhiths, *haiths,
haid- and "heder" in addition to the dropped-laryngeal
(h)aiza, ai(u)r, "ära"??

I'd like to know what Matt thinks of this bold theory.

I admit that when it comes to athan with a presumed stem of
*hat- or *hath- is a little difficult to reconcile with the
stem *haiz- (is it?) so Athanareiks and Heidrek may then
have different origins but convey two different kinds of

Nihil erat demonstrandum,


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