[gothic-l] OE into Gothic

Le Bateman LeBateman at NETZERO.NET
Wed Dec 4 23:10:25 UTC 2002

Dear Gerry
Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: <Grsartor at aol.com>
To: <gothic-l at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: [gothic-l] OE into Gothic

I suggest the following as translations of the Old English sentences in
Gothic. I have avoided so far as I could inventing new words, since I do not
at all know how to do so properly; but other members could no doubt help out
in that. The ones that have been made up are these:

Audamunds for Edmund.
Weikings for Viking.
Haiþna (weak) for a heathen. The feminine form of this is attested.
Airþatulgus for firmly rooted (eorþfaest). The elements it is made from are
both attested.
Gregs for grey.

The word-order of the Gothic sentences largely follows that of the O.E. that
they purport to translate.

Audamunds þeodans stod innan mikilis gardis seinis biþe þai Weikingai qemun.

Edmund cyng stod innan his micla heall þa þa flotman comon.
King Edmund stood in his mighty hall when the Vikings came.

þar was þamma weihin Audamunda þata haubiþ fram þaim haiþnam afmaitan.

Þar wæs ðe Halii Edmund fram  þam  hæðan beheafdod.
There was Saint  Edmund beheaded by the heathen men.

Brahtun þana gagudan þeodan du airþatulgjamma bagma.

Hie laddon thonne ieleaffullan cyng to anum eorðfæstum treowe
They lead the faithful king to a firmly rooted tree.

Unmildai fijands faginond in daudis gadrauhtis.

Wælhreow feond fæinað deades cempan.
Fierce emenies rejoice over a dead  warrior.

Frauja sandida gregana wulf du gabairgan þamma weihin haubida faura þaim
anþaraim diuzam.

Drihten send graine wulf to beweriienne þæt halii heafod wið  þa oðra deor.
The Lord sent a grey wolf to protect the holy head from the other animals.

Gerry T.

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