Use of Gothic language in Spain

Leonard Blunk lionineone at YAHOO.COM
Sun Jul 29 17:24:47 UTC 2007

So true, so true. The Christian theocracy would have us believe that all civilization started around the Mediterranian area and, of course, Israel. Anything beyond that region either never happened or they were just a bunch of Godless Barbarians! LOL Did you know that one of the meanings for barbarian is wanderer? Which makes one wonder, when the seven "lost tribes" of Israel were wandering, were they then considered barbarians?
    The only, fairly recent, movie I can recollect about pre-Medieval Times Celtic peoples was BRAVEHEART with Mel Gibson.
                             DR. ORIENT ROHMER 

OSCAR HERRERA < at> wrote:
          here in america all u ever see are these movies about the romans, julius caesar,marc antony,cleopatra, etc....i dont think ive ever seen one movie about any of the lives or ways of any german or celtic peoples prior to medieval times......oscar

Leonard Blunk <lionineone at> wrote: This could be debated ad nausem but I do not care to engage in such debate. My point was that literacy and intelligence should be held to the standards of the times and peoples of those times. There are those who would hold that all mankind has descended from people who were naked humanoid creatures who were victims of their times and circumstances. I prefer to think that we are the descendants of the ones who figured out how to make it back to their caves in one piece!

Michael Erwin <merwin at> wrote:
Literacy and intelligence are two different things.

On 29 Jul 2007, at 02:37, Leonard Blunk wrote:
> By whose standards are we judging their intelligence?
> Back then you had a caste system in which merchants, politicians, 
> musicians, writers, artists and the like actually did have some 
> brains. Oh, and lets not forget the mariners who also had to have 
> some intelligence in order to navigate--or is that some sort of 
> innate ability we lowly Germans are gifted with?
> OSCAR HERRERA < at> wrote:
> i think most of german tribes back then were probably illiterate 
> and there is hardly any history to says they wrote subject matters 
> in their own languages though they probably did, so there is more 
> history in the unknowst arena.....oscar

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