Book: Collected works of Edward Sapir (northwest California languages)

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Thu Jul 12 15:48:43 UTC 2001

New Publication from Mouton de Gruyter

The Collected Works of Edward Sapir
Volume XIV: Northwest California Linguistics
Volume Editors: Victor Golla and Sean O'Neill

2001. 24 x 17 cm. 1120 pages.
Cloth. DM 456,-/öS 3329,- (RRP) /sFr 392,-/approx. US$ 228.00
>>From 01.01.2002: EUR 228,- ISBN 3-11-016432-9

In the Summer of 1927, Edward Sapir spent two and a half months on the
Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation in northwestern California, where he
collected extensive data on Hupa (an Athabaskan language), including
77 narrative texts and a large lexical and grammtical file. He also
collected a small amount of data on Yurok and Chimariko. Sapir's Hupa
material has been the focus of Victor Golla's research for many years,
and this volume contains his full edition of Hupa texts, with complete
linguistic and textual annotations. The texts are accompanied by an
analytic lexicon - a complete inventory of all stems and derivational
bases contained in the corpus - and a detailed ethnographic glossary.
Also included are a Hupa to English index, a short grammatical sketch,
a place name guide, and an introductory essay on the position of
Sapir's Hupa study in his overall plan of Athabaskan linguistic
research. The Yurok and Chimariko materials have been edited by Howard

>>From the Contents:

Hupa Texts, with Notes and Lexicon (Edward Sapir and Victor Golla)

Yurok and Chimariko Material
 Yurok Texts (edited by Howard Berman)
 Chimariko Linguistic Material (edited by Howard Berman)

Appendix: Reports on Sapir's Northwest California Work
 Letters from the field to A. L. Kroeber
 Letters to J. P. Harrington regarding work on Chimariko
 An Expedition to Ancient America
 A Summary Report of Field Work among the Hupa, Summer 1927
 Reminiscences about Edward Sapir (Fang-Kuei Li)


For more information please contact the publisher:
Mouton de Gruyter
Genthiner Str. 13
10785 Berlin, Germany
Fax: +49 30 26005 222
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