Job: Lecturer in Linguistics and Director of LCTL Center, U. of Pittsburgh, USA (eligible languages including AmerIndian) -- DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS 12/15/01

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Tue Nov 13 15:20:55 UTC 2001

Rank of Job: Lecturer
Areas Required: Applied Linguistics/LCTL
Other Desired Areas: ASL
University or Organization: University of Pittsburgh
Department: Linguistics
State or Province: Pennsylvania
Country: USA
Final Date of Application: December 15 2001
Contact: Alan Juffs juffs at

Address for Applications:
2816 Cathedral of Learning
PA 15260

applications for the position of Lecturer in Linguistics and Director
of the Less-Commonly-Taught Languages Center and Director of the
Professional Translation Certificate Program beginning Fall 2002,
pending budgetary approval. Applicants must have a solid training in
language pedagogy at the doctoral level as well as competence in one
or more of the following areas: Less-commonly-taught languages,
American Indian Languages, American Sign Language, professional
translation.  Preference will be given to candidates with language
breadth and/or expertise in administration and pedagogy.

The position involves administration of the program and teaching. This
is a two-term appointment, with one month of support in the summer
term. Candidates should send a CV a statement of research and teaching
interests, copies of 2 reprints or other written work, teaching
evaluations (if available), and the names of three
references. Reference letters must be sent directly to the search
committee. Send materials to: Search Committee, Dept. of Linguistics,
2816 CL, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260; (412) 624
5900; Fax (412) 624 6130. E-mail inquiries should be directed to Alan
Juffs, Chair, at juffs at

The web page for the Dept. is . To
ensure full consideration, complete applications should be received by
December 15th, 2001.

The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action, Equal
Opportunity employer.  Women and members of minority groups
under-represented in academia are especially encouraged to apply.

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