Histling-l Digest, Vol 15, Issue 8

Wolfgang Schulze W.Schulze at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Wed Mar 26 17:48:56 UTC 2008

Dear Elitzur,
great! Many thanks for this correction! I did not know that the 
dissimilation -bb- > -b- /-mb- already occurred in Aramaic. But do we 
have evidence (from written sources) that this also holds for shabba(t) 
in Aramaic, that is that the variant shanba or so had been in use? And 
if yes, did it spread like this to Middle Iranian (again I would be 
interested in the indication of concrete sources)?
Thanks and sorry again for my obviously scant knowledge of the Aramaic 

Elitzur Avraham Bar-Asher wrote:
> Though I'm not familiar with the Iranian material I just wanted to 
> correct one thing.
> Wolfgang said: 
> As fas as I know, the shift -bb- to 
> -nb- / -mb- did not take place in Semitic (Aramaic/Hebrew etc.)
> this is not true, this dissimilation is a very common phenomenon in 
> Aramaic (already in Official Aramaic). We encounter for example the 
> following shift  madda'>manda' (knowledge).
> In addition the form for sabbath without a final /t/ is the form we 
> encounter in Jewish Babylonian Aramaic /shabba/ (as final /t/ often 
> apocopated in this dialect) - and this is where Iranian and Aramaic 
> were in contact.
> Elitzur
> --



*Prof. Dr. Wolfgang 


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