message to members

H. Pinkster H.Pinkster at
Fri May 16 15:14:16 UTC 1997

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
To all members of ISHL
Dear colleagues
I am writing to you on behalf of the Nominating Committee of the
ISHL. The committe is preparing suggestions for names of future
officers of the Society and for a venue for the 2001 meeting (you will
recall that 1999 is already decided on: Vancouver).
I invite members to assist us in this task by sending us names of
candidates for the following positions:
Executive Committee:
Member: Vacancy due to end of term of John Charles Smith (until 2003)
[Remaining members: Laurel Brinton, future conference director
(future President); Dieter Stein (former) President; Sheila Embleton
(1999); Alice Harris (2001)]
Nominating Committee:
Member: Vacancy due to end of term of Harm Pinkster (until 2005)
[Remaining members: Marianne Mithun (1999) (future chair); Roger
Wright (2001); Bernd Heine (2003)]
Future Venue:
Barry Blake has recently restated the interest of La Trobe University
in cooperation with the University of Melbourne (Australia) to host
the 2001 meeting. There is also an offer from Trondheim University
You must be a current member of ISHL in order to nominate someone or
to be nominated. The Committee will keep in mind a balance between
the sexes and geographical areas when considering nominations.
Deadline for suggestions to the Executive Committee is May 31th.
Please send your suggestions to
Prof. Harm Pinkster, Klassiek Seminarium, Oude Turfmarkt 129, 1012
GC Amsterdam; fax 31 20 5252544, e-mail H.Pinkster at
Kind regards,
Harm Pinkster
Prof. dr Harm Pinkster
tel.(0)20 5252524
fax. (0)20 5252544
e-mail H.Pinkster at

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