rhotacism from Ray Hickey

H.M.Hubey hubeyh at montclair.edu
Fri Nov 6 12:21:55 UTC 1998

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Miguel Carrasquer Vidal wrote:
> There is also a mountain of evidence that PIE *o: > u in Armenian, so
> the hypothesis that *<dwo:> became <erku> by regular sound change
> (*dw- > erk-, *o: > u), is vastly superior at interpreting the facts
> than the hypothesis that the word was borrowed from Turkic, a
> hypothesis that fails to explain the /r/, the /k/ (Turkic /k/ is
> aspirated, so should have given Arm. /k`/), and the /u/, and explains
> the initial /e/ (phonetically [je] in Armenian) only by invoking a
> much less widespread variant of Turkic *iki.
Mountain of evidence is sufficient :-)
> >Let us not forget that Sumerian for two is "imma"
> The Sumerian for "2" is actually <min> or <minu>.
As Tanenbaum writes in one of his books; "if you don't like this year's
standards wait until next year." :-)
The word is 'imma' according to the books and journal articles used by
Tuna. If next year, it is changed from 'min' to 'bobooo', then we can
discuss that too. The strange thing is that there are others who are
making these changes (one of them on the WWW) and as they change things
they keep changing things to other cognate forms :-) There is no escape
Best Regards,
hubeyh at montclair.edu =-=-=-= http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~hubey
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