
Stefan Müller Stefan.Mueller at cl.uni-bremen.de
Tue Sep 12 08:05:49 UTC 2006

Hi David,

This is the wrong mailing list to ask, since the topic is not related to
HPSG, except that ~spollend is an HPSG author. =;-)

> I am looking to be able to put a tilde character into a bibtex entry as follows:
> www.xxx.ie/~spollend/spollend

The most transparent way is not to mess around in the url but let a
package do the work.

The best way is to use the url package. If you use this package together
with hyperref you will get clickable URLs in your list of references.
You may check


to see an example.

And now the reason for posting this to the HPSG list: I have a .bst file
that makes use of the URL and the URL_CHECKED field of the HPSG
bibliography. It has to be used with the natbib.sty.

You can download it at the very bottom of the following page:


A BibTeX entry looks as follows:

  author      =	{Gosse Bouma and Rob Malouf and Ivan A. Sag},
  title	      =	{Satisfying Constraints on Extraction and Adjunction},
  journal     =	nllt,
  volume      =	19,
  number      =	1,
  url         = {ftp://csli-ftp.stanford.edu/linguistics/sag/bms-nllt.ps},
  url_checked =	{18.08.2002},
  pages	      =	{1--65},
  year	      =	2001

The bst file takes care of typesetting the url with the \url command.
You might  prefer other bst files but you can take this one as an
example and copy the url specific stuff to your preferred bst file.

So you can use the entries from there directly without any change. You
can write your own entries in this format and it is very easy to submit
them to the HPSG bib: Just send them to me.

Best wishes


PS: On more hint:

The package breakurl helps with breaking urls. Put this right before the

% take the definition \burl provided by breakurl instead of \url



Stefan Müller

Universität Potsdam      Tel: (+49) (+331) 977-2180



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