PhD studentships, Cognitive Science at Central European University (CEU)

Ivan A Sag sag at
Fri Dec 3 21:50:18 UTC 2010

All, For your information. -Ivan
Ivan A. Sag
Sadie Dernham Patek Professor in Humanities &
Professor of Linguistics and Symbolic Systems

Department of Linguistics__________Msg: 650-723-4284 
Stanford University________________Fax: 650-723-5666
Stanford, CA  94305__________Email: sag at


PhD studentships available at the new doctoral program in Cognitive Science at 
Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungary.
The newly established Department of Cognitive Science at CEU invites 
applications for its doctoral program starting September 2011. This is a 
research-based training program that specializes in, but is not restricted to, 
the study of social cognition. Research topics include cooperation, 
communication, social learning, cultural transmission, joint action, 
developmental social cognition, strategic decision making, visual cognition, 
statistical learning, and social cognitive neuroscience. Students will follow 
courses in cognitive psychology, philosophy of mind, cognitive anthropology, 
computational cognition and linguistics, and will receive practical research 
training in the laboratories of the members of this new department. Faculty 
         Gergely CSIBRA
                   (cognitive development, cognitive neuroscience)
         József FISER
                   (visual perception and cognition, biological and statistical 
         György GERGELY
                   (infant cognition, developmental psychopathology)
         Christophe HEINTZ
                   (culture and cognition, scientific cognition, cognitive 
         Guenther KNOBLICH
                   (experimental psychology, social cognition, thinking)
         Natalie SEBANZ
                   (social cognition, social cognitive neuroscience)
         Dan SPERBER
                   (culture and cognition, communication and language, 
         Anne TAMM
                   (theories of language, linguistic diversity)
Applicants are expected to hold a master’s degree in one of the disciplines that 
constitute Cognitive Science, though in exceptional cases we will consider 
applications from students who only hold a bachelor's degree. Successful 
candidates will receive full funding for 3 years and further benefits.
For the details of the admission process see
CEU ( is a graduate research-intensive university specializing 
primarily in the social sciences, located in Budapest, Hungary and accredited in 
the United States and Hungary. CEU offers both master's and doctoral programs, 
and it enrolls more than 1500 students from nearly 100 countries. The teaching 
staff consists of more than 140 resident faculty from over 40 countries, and a 
large number of prominent visiting scholars from around the world. The language 
of instruction is English.

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