Fwd: job posting: 5 postdocs in language technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

Ivan A Sag sag at stanford.edu
Sun Dec 5 19:37:44 UTC 2010

All, For your information... -Ivan

----- Forwarded Message -----

The Centre for Language Technology <http://www.clt.gu.se>  in Gothenburg, Sweden, is a cross-faculty research centre established in 2007. It coordinates language technology research in four departments in the two universities in Gothenburg (University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology). The University of Gothenburg now announces 5 positions as postdoctoral research fellow in Language Technology at the Centre for Language Technology:

(1) 1 position at the Department of Swedish for work in the Swedish FrameNet project. Closing date: 20th December 2010. See the full announcement text for requirements and how to apply, at <http://ledig-anstallning.adm.gu.se/detail.php?lt_id=6584>.

(2) 2 positions at the Department of Swedish and the CLT Text Technology Laboratory. Closing date: 20th December 2010. See the full announcement text for requirements and how to apply, at <http://ledig-anstallning.adm.gu.se/detail.php?lt_id=6586>.

(3) 2 positions at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science and the CLT Dialogue Technology Laboratory. Closing date: 27 December 2010. See the full announcement for requirements and how to apply, at <http://ledig-anstallning.adm.gu.se/detail.php?lt_id=6597>.

Note that (1), (2) and (3) require separate applications giving the corresponding application reference (see the full announcements).

Robin Cooper
Professor of Computational Linguistics
Director, Graduate School of Language Technology

Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science
University of Gothenburg
Box 200
S-405 30 Göteborg

Email: cooper at ling.gu.se
Tel.: +46-31-786-2536
Fax:  +46-31-786-4853
www:  http://www.ling.gu.se/~cooper

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