URGENT: CfP LTC 2013 in Poznan (Poland) - Submission Deadline = Oct. 3, 2013

ELRA ELDA Information info at elda.org
Tue Sep 17 09:17:18 UTC 2013

The 6th Language and Technology Conference (LTC 2013), December 7-9, 
2013, Poznan, Poland


/Dear Colleagues, /

/The 6th Language and Technology Conference (LTC'2013), a meeting 
organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Adam 
Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland in cooperation with the Adam 
Mickiewicz University Foundation, will take place on December 7-9, 2013. 
Following the tradition of the past events, ELRA, FlaReNet, META-NET, as 
well as the City of Poznan' are among the co-operating organizations./

/Since very beginning (1995) the meetings of the LTC series continue to 
address Human Language Technologies (HLT) as a challenge for computer 
science, linguistics and related fields. Fostering language technologies 
and resources remains an important mission in the dynamically changing, 
information-saturated world. We aim at contributing to this mission and 
we invite you to join us at the LTC'2013 in December 2013. As usually in 
Poznan', Poland./

/Zygmunt Vetulani, Hans Uszkoreit
LTC 2013 Co-Chairs/


The conference topics include the following (the ordering is not 

* electronic language resources and tools

* formalization of natural languages

* parsing and other forms of NL processing

* computer modeling of language competence

* NL user modeling

* NL understanding by computers

* knowledge representation

* man-machine NL interfaces

* Logic Programming in Natural Language Processing

* speech processing

* NL applications in robotics

* text-based information retrieval and extraction

* question answering

* tools and methodologies for developing multilingual systems

* translation enhancement tools

* corpora-based methods in language engineering

* WordNet-like ontologies

* methodological issues in HLT

* language-specific computational challenges for HLTs (especially for

languages other than English)

* validation in all areas of HLTs

* HLT standards and best practices

* HLTs as a support for foreign language teaching

* HLTs as support for e-learning

* communicative intelligence

* NLP methods in cyber-criminality detection and prevention

* legal issues connected with HLTs (problems and challenges)

* contribution of HLTs to the Homeland Security problems (technology

applications and legal aspects)

* visionary papers in the field of HLT

* HLT related policies

* system prototype presentations

This list is by no means closed and we are open to further proposals. 
Please do not hesitate to contact us with new suggestions and ideas. 
Please help us to understand how to best satisfy your expectations 
concerning the program. We are open to suggestions concerning 
accompanying events (workshops, exhibits, panels, etc). Suggestions, 
ideas and observations may be addressed directly to the LTC Chair by 
email (vetulani at amu.edu.pl 
<mailto:vetulani at amu.edu.pl><mailto:vetulani at amu.edu.pl> 
<mailto:vetulani at amu.edu.pl>).

LANGUAGE: The conference language is English

CONTACT: ltc13 at amu.edu.pl or vetulani at amu.edu.pl


The conference accepts papers in English. Papers (5 formatted pages in 
the conference format) are due by September 4, 2013 (midnight, any time 
zone) and should not disclose the author(s) in any manner. In order to 
facilitate submission we have decided to reduce the formatting 
requirements as much as possible at this stage. Please, have a look at 
www.ltc.amu.edu.pl (Paper Submission section).

All submissions are to be made electronically via the LTC 2013 web

submission system (EasyChair). Acceptance/rejection notification will be 
sent by September 25, 2013.

The Word template (ELRA/LREC based format) is available from 
http://www.ltc.amu.edu.pl (Paper Submission section).


Acceptance will be based on the reviewers' assessments (anonymous

submission model). The accepted papers will be published in the conference

proceedings (hard copy, with ISBN number) and on CD-ROM. The abstracts

of the accepted contributions will also be made available via the

conference page (during its lifetime). Publication requires full

electronic registration and payment of the conference fee (full

registration) by at least one of the co-authors before October 23, 2013.

A post-conference volume with extended versions of selected papers is 
planned to be published. As this was the case for the last three 
conferences, we intend to publish them in the Springer series Lecture 
Notes in Artificial Intelligence.


* Deadline for submission of papers for review:October 3, 2013

* Acceptance/Rejection notification: October 18, 2013

* Deadline for submission of final versions of accepted papers: November

2, 2013

* Deadline for registrationfor theAuthors of accepted papers (mandatory) 
is November6, 2013

* Conference: December 7-9, 2013


Notice that two workshop has been endorsed by LTC 2013. These are:

- The 3rd LRL Workshop (A Joint LTC-ELRA-FLaReNet-META_NET Workshop on 
Less-Resourced Languages):
"Less Resourced Languages, new technologies, new challenges and 


- The 2nd Workshop on Social and Algorithmic Issues in Business Support:
"Knowledge Hidden in Text"

Full information on http://www.ltc.amu.edu.pl


Only electronic registration will be possible. Details will be published at



As at the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Language and Technology Conferences 
(2005, 2007, 2009, 2011) special awards will be granted to the best 
student papers. Theregular or PhD students (on the date of paper 
submission) are concerned. More details at www.ltc.amu.edu.pl.


Much more important information is or will be provided at the conference 
site www.ltc.amu.edu.pl. Please check this site from time to time and do 
not hesitate to ask questions through ltc13 at amu.edu.pl.

Zygmunt Vetulani and Hans Uszkoreit

LTC 2013 Co-Chairs

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