[HPSG-L] Call for Chapters - Collaborative book on MWE Representation and Parsing
Yannick Parmentier
yannick.parmentier at univ-orleans.fr
Mon Jan 25 12:39:56 UTC 2016
Collaborative book on MWE Representation and Parsing
Call for Chapter proposals
Provisional title:
"Mutliword Expressions: Representation and Parsing"
Yannick Parmentier (Orléans) & Jakub Waszczuk (Blois)
parseme-wg2-book at listes.univ-orleans.fr
While Multiword expressions (MWEs) have been attracting attention for a long time because of their idiosyncratic properties going beyond word boundaries, they remain a challenge for both linguistic theories and natural language applications.
A contrastive study on the representation of MWEs within various languages and frameworks has been carried out recently in the context of the Working Group 1 of the PARSEME Action (http://www.parseme.eu). This study will appear as a special issue of the "Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax" series at Language Science Press (http://langsci-press.org/).
The planned volume will appear within the same series and aims at providing the NLP research community with a sharing of experience from MWE experts who have been experimenting with the design of linguistic resources allowing for MWE parsing.
Possible topics for contributions include:
A) Implemented grammars:
How to encode the syntactic and/or semantic properties of MWEs within formal grammars ?
How to account for various degrees of flexibility of MWEs ?
How to represent MWEs which exhibit both syntactic variability and semantic non-compositionality ? Is there a connection between semantic and syntactic flexibility?
How do linguistic theories and / or grammatical frameworks influence MWE representations within implemented grammars ?
How to evaluate the coverage of implemented grammars with respect to MWEs ?
Can we define abstract models (e.g. metagrammars) of MWEs' properties that would capture linguistic richness of MWEs independently of particular grammatical frameworks ? If so, how can such models help to reduce the cost of MWE-aware resource development ? Can they adapt to different languages ?
How to represent MWEs within strongly lexicalized formalisms ?
B) Challenging MWE examples:
What types of "transformations" (such as passivization, internal modification, pronominalization, participation to long distance dependency phenomena, control and binding phenomena) can be applied to MWEs? Can those transformations be easily captured within (lexicalized or not) formal grammar ?
How to account for morphological flexibility at the lexical level ? at the grammatical level (e.g. agreement) ?
How to tackle language-specific challenges in encoding MWEs in formal grammars ?
C) Parsing MWE:
What statistical and / or symbolic frameworks support MWE parsing ?
How to enrich parsers with information about MWEs within treebanks ?
How to reconcile linguistic precision and computational efficiency when parsing MWEs ?
How do syntactic parsing and semantic representation relate in the context of MWEs ?
D) Cross-linguistic comparison of MWE representations and analyses
How to reuse material from grammars for other languages or frameworks (cross-language and cross-framework grammar design) ?
Can MWE parsing benefit from representations and annotations of MWEs in other languages ? Other frameworks ?
We invite the submission of abstracts of chapters (2 pages) by March 31, 2016.
The outline should clearly express the topic, indicate whether electronic resources are available and give the status of the work (completed or in progress).
Selected abstracts will be presented during the automn meeting of the Working Group “Parsing Techniques for MWE” of the COST Action IC 1207 PARSEME (Parsing Multiword Expressions) in Dubrovnik, Croatia (26-27 September, 2016).
Reimbursement for participation at this meeting might be available for authors of selected abstracts according to COST regulations. Please contact the editors for details.
Submissions should mention “MWE Volume” in the subject line and be sent to parseme-wg2-book at listes.univ-orleans.fr
Preliminary schedule:
January 2016: Call for abstracts sent out
March 31, 2016: Deadline for abstract submissions
Mid June 2016: Notification of pre-selection
September 26-27, 2016 (Parseme meeting in Dubrovnik): Presentation of the contribution proposals.
October 31, 2016: deadline for first versions of the chapters.
December 14, 2016: comments, notifications of acceptance sent out.
January 30, 2017: deadline for final versions.
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