[HPSG-L] Fwd: Collaborative book on MWE Representation and Parsing - Call for Chapters
Arnold, Doug
doug at essex.ac.uk
Mon Jan 25 17:09:02 UTC 2016
I’m forwarding this (only readers of hpsg-l can post to it, but this seems like it might be of interest to some of you. Apologies if this results in cross-posting duplicates.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Yannick Parmentier <yannick.parmentier at univ-orleans.fr>
> Subject: Collaborative book on MWE Representation and Parsing - Call for Chapters
> Date: 22 January 2016 at 16:19:04 GMT
> To: <yannick.parmentier at univ-orleans.fr>
> ***********************************************************
> Collaborative book on MWE Representation and Parsing
> Call for Chapter proposals
> ***********************************************************
> Provisional title
> *****************
> "Mutliword Expressions: Representation and Parsing"
> Coordinators/editors
> ********************
> Yannick Parmentier (Orléans) & Jakub Waszczuk (Blois)
> parseme-wg2-book at listes.univ-orleans.fr
> Content
> *******
> While Multiword expressions (MWEs) have been attracting attention for
> a long time because of their idiosyncratic properties going beyond
> word boundaries, they remain a challenge for both linguistic theories
> and natural language applications.
> A contrastive study on the representation of MWEs within various
> languages and frameworks has been carried out recently in the context
> of the Working Group 1 of the PARSEME Action. This study will appear
> as a special issue of the "Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology
> and Syntax" series at Language Science Press
> (http://langsci-press.org/).
> The planned volume will appear within the same series and aims at
> providing the NLP research community with a sharing of experience from
> MWE experts who have been experimenting with the design of linguistic
> resources allowing for MWE parsing.
> Possible topics for contributions include:
> A) Implemented grammars:
> How to encode the syntactic and/or semantic properties of MWEs
> within formal grammars ?
> How to account for various degrees of flexibility of MWEs ?
> How to represent MWEs which exhibit both syntactic variability and
> semantic non-compositionality ? Is there a connection between
> semantic and syntactic flexibility?
> How do linguistic theories and / or grammatical frameworks
> influence MWE representations within implemented grammars ?
> How to evaluate the coverage of implemented grammars with respect
> to MWEs ?
> Can we define abstract models (e.g. metagrammars) of MWEs'
> properties that would capture linguistic richness of MWEs
> independently of particular grammatical frameworks ? If so, how
> can such models help to reduce the cost of MWE-aware resource
> development ? Can they adapt to different languages ?
> How to represent MWEs within strongly lexicalized formalisms ?
> B) Challenging MWE examples:
> What types of "transformations" (such as passivization, internal
> modification, pronominalization, participation to long distance
> dependency phenomena, control and binding phenomena) can be
> applied to MWEs? Can those transformations be easily captured
> within (lexicalized or not) formal grammar ?
> How to account for morphological flexibility at the lexical
> level ? at the grammatical level (e.g. agreement) ?
> How to tackle language-specific challenges in encoding MWEs in
> formal grammars ?
> C) Parsing MWE:
> What statistical and / or symbolic frameworks support MWE
> parsing ?
> How to enrich parsers with information about MWEs within
> treebanks ?
> How to reconcile linguistic precision and computational efficiency
> when parsing MWEs ?
> How do syntactic parsing and semantic representation relate in the
> context of MWEs ?
> D) Cross-linguistic comparison of MWE representations and analyses
> How to reuse material from grammars for other languages or
> frameworks (cross-language and cross-framework grammar design) ?
> Can MWE parsing benefit from representations and annotations of
> MWEs in other languages ? Other frameworks ?
> Submission
> **********
> We invite the submission of abstracts of chapters (2 pages) by March
> 31, 2016.
> The outline should clearly express the topic, indicate whether
> electronic resources are available and give the status of the work
> (completed or in progress).
> Selected abstracts will be presented during the automn meeting of the
> Working Group “Parsing Techniques for MWE” of the COST Action IC 1207
> PARSEME (Parsing Multiword Expressions) in Dubrovnik, Croatia (26-27
> September, 2016).
> Reimbursement for participation at this meeting might be available for
> authors of selected abstracts according to COST regulations. Please
> contact the editors for details.
> Submissions should mention “MWE Volume” in the subject line and be
> sent to parseme-wg2-book at listes.univ-orleans.fr
> Preliminary schedule
> ********************
> January 2016: Call for abstracts sent out
> March 31, 2016: Deadline for abstract submissions
> Mid June 2016: Notification of pre-selection
> September 26-27, 2016 (Parseme meeting in Dubrovnik): Presentation of
> the contribution proposals.
> October 31, 2016: deadline for first versions of the chapters.
> December 14, 2016: comments, notifications of acceptance sent out.
> January 30, 2017: deadline for final versions.
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