[HPSG-L] Reminder HPSG bibliography

Elodie Winckel elodie.winckel at hu-berlin.de
Sat Apr 11 14:35:30 UTC 2020

Dear HPSG community,

I use this opportunity to send my warmest regards to you in this strange 
time we are all experiencing.
I hope you all stay in a safe and somewhat comfortable place, wash you 
hands, and can have some Easter celebration flavor this week-end.

In case you've had any new publication since this winter (or older one 
that are still missing in our bibliography), remember that you can 
submit entries here:


Alternatively, you can send me BibTeX entries or raw references.
I will publish the new entries through this mailing list in a few weeks.

Best regards,
Elodie Winckel

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