Fwd: Indigenous Language Teaching in Oregon

David Lewis coyotez at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Sat Mar 15 19:19:28 UTC 2003

>Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 13:12:47 -0800
>From: "Gross, Joan" <Jgross at orst.edu>
>Subject: Indigenous Language Teaching in Oregon
>To: tolowa at cc.northwest.com, styrrell at eou.edu, hawkeye at ctsi.nsn.us,
>  SRilatos at ctsi.nsn.us, RKentta at ctsi.nsn.us, biolsit at pdx.edu,
>  tciarch at ucinet.com, "Kluttz, Julianne" <julianne.kluttz at oregonstate.edu>,
>  bbpdx at aol.com, gonzale at wou.edu, coyotez at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU, cit at uci.net,
>  stb at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU, spike at darkwing.uoregon.edu,
>  delancey at darkwing.uoregon.edu, lleon at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU,
>  ylc at darkwing.uoregon.edu, dcochran at pcc.edu, lotches at aol.com,
>  jscruggs at cocc.edu, jgrant at eou.edu, carol.k.monroe at state.or.us,
>  falsgraf at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU, guion at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU, tittelk at pdx.edu,
>  reders at pdx.edu, betsy.costi at state.or.us, morris at sou.edu
>Thread-Topic: Indigenous Language Teaching in Oregon
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>Dear Friends,
>A forum on Indigenous Language Teaching in Oregon and the Uses of
>Collaboration is coming up next week. It will be held as part of the
>Society for Applied Anthropology meetings at the Mariott Portland Downtown
>on the Waterfront (1401 SW Naito Pky) on Friday, March 21 from 1:30 to
>3:15 in the Eugene Room.
>This forum invites tribal language teachers and administrators,
>anthropologists, linguists and educational specialists from around the
>state to discuss indigenous language teaching in Oregon. Please come ready
>to discuss your successes and challenges and how we can work together to
>make stronger programs. One topic that will be discussed is the role of
>Oregon's universities in strengthening native language programs.
>For more information on the Society for Applied Anthropology meetings,
>see  http://www.sfaa.net/am.html
>Let me also announce the upcoming conference Speaking to the Seventh
>Generation at Oregon State University May 15-16, 2003. For details contact
>julianne.kluttz at oregonstate.edu
>I hope to see you there.
>Joan Gross
>Associate Professor of Anthropology
>Oregon State University
>Waldo Hall 222
>jgross at orst.edu
>(541) 737-3852

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