Mathematics of the Petroglyphs workshop posted

Mia Kalish (LFP) miakalish at LEARNINGFORPEOPLE.US
Sat Jul 30 22:37:52 UTC 2005

Hello, Everyone, 


I was invited to teach a workshop at the recent PMET conference for math
teachers at Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute in Albuquerque. I
constructed my workshop materials in a web format and used lots of
Macromedia Flash movies to demonstrate the principles. It is called
Mathematics of the Petroglyphs. I have numbers and shapes in 8 and 7
languages respectively, some with native speaker voicing. I have equations
in White Mountain Apache, and diagrams of principles, also in White Mountain


There is the sound of an elk from Mescalero (click the blue elk movie). The
rule is that 98% of the movies have action. There are click me buttons to
move the action forward. In one case, the task is to explore the petroglyph,
and click on the movie buttons to show the detail. 


It's really easy, despite all the yapping.  My  idea with this workshop was to
show how (Greek ethno) mathematics is not the only "Math". I gave the
teachers CDs with copies of the Flash source so their students could create
their own materials, and modify the movies for use with their own languages.


I would like very much to hear what people think. 






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