
Richard Zane Smith rzs at WILDBLUE.NET
Mon Sep 19 21:30:02 UTC 2011

great to hear form you too Jimmy!
and a great example of indigenous thought communicated in story.

On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 10:19 AM, Huang,Chun <huangc20 at> wrote:

> **
> just to share a nicely done, and inexpensive, "animation" that helps share
> traditional knowledge:
> If you're also interested in the content, originally in Tagalog by Joey
> Ayala, below is a rough "translation" (can't get all the spirits right, but
> helps understanding), courtesy of Dr. Machel Malay:
> in the song, the singer talks to the sea turtle, saying, 'sea turtle, the
> old one, you carry your home around with you, don't you have anywhere to put
> it, in the land you grew up in? With the slapping of the waves, and the
> currents of centuries, you still continue to crawl in the mud. And yet in
> the deep ocean you glimpse your freedom, bobbing and diving into the deeps.
> O sea turtle the old one, could you please teach me the way to make the
> heavy [load] lighter?'.... then he compares the sea turtle's situation to
> his own, asking 'sea turtle the old one, could we actually be kin? For even
> though I have a home, I have no place to put it. The land I once knew is
> full of fences, made even stronger by land titles and documents. O sea
> turtle the old one, I do not understand, the land I came from is now a
> property'...
> And I also do much-much appreciate the original thread where this one
> branched out of. Good to hear from Richard, Dr. Hardman, and Uncle Rolland.
> Jimmy
> now at DLSU-Manila
> On Fri, 16 Sep 2011 08:07:01 -0700, Julian Lang wrote:
>  There are several types of animation. And there is a wide range of
> digital animation tools. So there are many questions to be answered
> initially. How do you folks want the animated story to look like exactly?
> Animated still images, cell animation, stop-frame? What I've discovered
> about animation as a Native language person and as an animator is that
> animation is incredibly labor intensive. And it can easily be pricey, If you
> asked to animate all of the stories, it can easily cost you 60K. Perhaps 1
> at a time?
> Julian Lang
> California
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Claire Bowern
> *Sent:* Friday, September 16, 2011 7:04 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [ILAT] Bears
> Hi Tammy,
> Bardi people at One Arm Point have had success with children's stories for
> the local school by having the children dress up and play the parts of the
> characters. The older ones get involved as narrators and scene design and
> the younger ones play the characters. They've acted out the stories at
> school assemblies and videoed, and photos are taken which are then made into
> books. It's certainly not the same as animation but everyone got really into
> it, and it was lovely for the elders to see the stories come alive with the
> kids. They were so pleased to see it.
> Claire
> On Sep 15, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Tammy DeCoteau wrote:
> > Mitakuyapi (My relatives),
> >
> > We have discussed this topic in our office and we have mixed feelings
> about it.
> >
> > In the drawer of my desk we have ten stories our Treasured Elders made.
> Each story teaches a different value (show respect, help others, etc.) and
> they feature a Turtle and a Dragonfly.  These are meant to be animated.  Who
> knows, though, how long those stories are going to sit in my desk drawer.
> Once I talked with an animation company and do to a few minutes it was
> $60,000.00.
> >
> > We have always felt that anything in the language is beneficial.  Perhaps
> it will create the spark in someone to become passionate about their
> language.
> >
> > Tammy DeCoteau
> > AAIA Native Language Program
> >
> Claire

*"this language of mine,of yours,is who we are and who we have been.It is
where we find our stories,our lives,our ancestors;and it should be where we
find our future too"   Simon Anaviapik ... Inuit*
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