Technology supportive of Hawaiian markings (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Sat Dec 22 17:30:04 UTC 2012

*Technology supportive of Hawaiian markings*

December 22, 2012
By CHRIS SUGIDONO - Staff Writer (csugidono at , The Maui News
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University of Hawaii Maui College faculty member Keola Donaghy collaborated
with Microsoft to make its new Windows 8 operating system Hawaiian-language

The operating system launched in late October includes a Hawaiian keyboard
layout, fit with the language's two diacritical markings - kahako, or
macrons, and 'okina, or glottal stops. The operating system also provides
support for other functions, such as displaying weeks and months in

"We're getting very close to the day that Hawaiian speakers will be able to
take for granted the fact that they can simply type in Hawaiian when they
buy a new computer, tablet or smartphone without installing special
software," said Donaghy, who works in the music department at the college.

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