Indigenous Survey Sounds Alarm for NT Animals (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Thu Dec 20 16:22:43 UTC 2012


Michael Vincent, ABC
Updated December 20, 2012, 10:59 am

A new study using local Indigenous knowledge has exposed a disturbing
decline in mammal populations across the Northern Territory.

The scientists from James Cook University spent four years gathering
information based on the observations of Indigenous elders from a variety
of communities, and cross-referencing it with data previously recorded at
sites across the north.

Their findings reveal what they have called "a dire situation" for a number
of animals such as the northern quoll, the black-footed tree rat and the
golden bandicoot.

Almost 50 animals have been added to the threatened species list during a
review this year, including migratory wading birds.

And a bird and two mammals, including a desert hopping mouse, that have not
been seen in about 60 years, have also been declared officially extinct.

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